6 Apr 2015

6m - quite a good start

Although I spotted, and was spotted, by no European or greater distance DX, I exchanged WSPR spots on 6m with quite a number of G stations. In all, quite a good start back on the 6m band. I am looking forward to the Es season, but happy with the results today. I am using an FT817 on 2.5W setting into a lossy (RG58) feeder to a V2000 vertical. ERP is about 1W.  I really should replace the feeder with lower loss cable.

I am still unsure about Doppler on 6m. Most stations seem to have more drift than I would expect. This could be (a) the other station settling, (b) my station settling, although I've been on all day, and (c) Doppler as a result of reflection from planes. I suspect all 3 are playing a part.
6m WSPR today - 1W ERP, V2000 vertical antenna

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