4 Sept 2014

10m Es? - this morning

This morning 4X1RF (3519km) has spotted me (strongly) 12 times already on WSPR. This could be F2 or multi-hop Es. The latter is more probable.  CT1JTQ (1843km) is definitely Es. In addition, local G0LRD (25km) was strong and M0EMM (192km) was copied pretty well by tropo and aircraft reflection.

I see VKs were coming into N.Europe by F2 on 10m around breakfast time, but there was no copy here sadly on 10m.Others with better antennas may have done better than me?

Sunspot count today is 92 (stable) and 20-30MHz propagation is "normal". I was expecting F2 on 10m here yesterday, but copied none. Maybe better luck today?


David (G0LRD) said...

I got the two breakfast time VKs, but they were using 10W and 50W respectively. I assume this regular 0700z G-VK window is a 'grey-line' effect?

Roger G3XBM said...

David, if anyone in the UK got VK on 10m I knew you would, HI. I think my PAR end-fed is directional. I hope to put up my 10m halo again sometime soon (instead of the V2000), which I think will improve my 10m performance.