New QTH rear garden - with the "roof tile feature"! |
The work on our new (to us) QTH in Burwell is progressing steadily and if things go to plan we should be in later this summer. Today I was at the new location sorting out the garden - as much as I could - in the beautiful sunshine. There is still a great deal of builders rubbish and mess around and it will be some months before the garden can be properly worked on: for example, we have a row of roof tiles neatly stacked down the middle of the rear lawn and the front of the house has a pile or 2 of sand and bricks! The drive has a skip in it which is rapidly filling with neighbours rubbish too.
I am still thinking about ideas for antennas. At least in the new QTH I will have a dedicated shack where I can both build and operate: in 37 years at the current QTH this has not been possible. Currently I have called off the plans for VHF/UHF SSB/CW/data operation as I don't think there will be enough activity. So, an effective, neighbour friendly stealth antenna for the higher HF bands and 6m will be the immediate priority.
"Currently I have called off the plans for VHF/UHF SSB/CW/data operation as I don't think there will be enough activity"
That comment surprises me Roger. I didn't think you let that sort of thing put you off. It's obviously a self fulfilling prophecy, one that seems to permeate amateur radio. It's also understandable - nothing more disheartening then investing time (and money) only to have CQs ignored and listening the white noise hours on end. Modern VHF/UHF and microwaves operating is truly a "calling" and for those who do dedicate themselves to it seem to do ok. Yesterday I was hearing the odd SSB MS signal on 2M on my lash up here.
Your new QTH looks good, hope it brings you many hours of (radio) enjoyment whatever direction you go in.
73 G8JGO.
Very nice garden seems large in your picture.
A invisible wire antenna might be the best option.
What's your take off like compared to your current QTH.
All the best with your move
Not a final decision on VHF and I shall certainly give it a try at some point, if not in the first few months.
Diagonally the garden at the new QTH will be about 70 feet across, so ideal for an end-fed long wire or W3EDP antenna.
My first priority is actually getting a date to move in! It looks like August at the moment.
Roger G3XBM
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