On the way back home we had a REAL surprise driving along the Leeds ring road. I could not believe my eyes when I saw a red kite flying quite low overhead. These fine forked tailed raptor birds were once confined to a small part of south central Wales but following selective reintroduction they are making a comeback all over the place. We see them near Newmarket quite often, but I was totally surprised to see one driving through urban Leeds!
When I got back home I switched on the WIPSY beacon and was rewarded with a string of reports including a +6dB S/N from Germany - not bad for 100mW. The now regular report from EA8FF was not long coming as was a report from F5VLY and several other DL stations and G8KNN not far away.
There is a very successful reintroduction scheme just north of Leeds based at Harewood House. That would probably have been the initial source of your bird.
Ah that explains it then Dave. It was certainly a REAL surprise to see this over the Leeds ring road. They are fine birds.
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