For example, this evening on 160m I both sent and received callsigns, locator grids, frequencies, power, date, time and reports with G8IHT and G4BOO using WSPR. You KNOW the other station has received it from the on-line WSPR database. This was in WSPR MEPT (beaconing) mode and not using WSPR QSO mode, which I've yet to try.
Now, is this a QSO formally? My feeling is no, yet all details were exchanged and received by both parties. Certainly as much detail as would be exchanged in an EME or MS QSO using modes like JT6M, although no RRRs were sent.
Views please?
Hello Roger,
I don't know much about WSPR but I think, the question is if the informations were exchanged on HF or online via Internet. If via Internet, I think it is no QSO.
73 Wolf
Hello Roger, Too many unchecked spelling mistakes on my first comment so I deleted & started again!
I recently installed the WSPR software and received and transmitted a few 1 watt bursts and they didn't feel like QSOs to me either. I think the reason for this was because "live" 2-way comms were not actually taking place. I was transmitting and they were receiving, and then a few minutes later, they were transmitting and I was receiving. It was more akin to two SWL reports to me. It was fun to see where your transmission reached, but it wasn't a QSO. That's my two-penneth anyway! 73 de Adam (M6RDP)
As far as I can see the periods of TX and RX are unimportant as most digital modes work on separate, predefined periods. The problems as I see it is that call signs are not exchanged and that there is no confirmation that information has been successfully exchanged.
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