15 Apr 2023

Sunspots - Saturday April 15th 2023

 Solar flux is 171 and the SSN 157. A=7 and K=1.

14 Apr 2023


To avoid embarrassing him, I shall not reveal name or callsign. 

Completely out of the blue, someone sent me a 3 element PCB antenna for 23cm. It was a TOTAL surprise!  Thank you so much.  The antenna will get well used.

In my experience, radio amateurs are a kind, thoughtful and warm-hearted bunch. The spirit of amateur radio is alive and well.   If you can make somebody happy by an act of random kindness, please do so. This is what life is truly about.  In my time I have been at the receiving end of such kindness several times and it means so very much.

Thank you again!

In my experience there are far more kind people in the world than bad ones, it is just that kindness is not newsworthy!

Our village museum - NOT amateur radio

OK, I am biased! 

We live next door to one of the best local museums in the UK. It is vast and there is a huge variety of things to explore over many buildings including our 200 year old, fully restored, windmill which is just a tiny bit of it.

See https://burwellmuseum.org.uk/ .

12m QRP FT8 with the tiny QDX (Friday)

You can tell that this band is far less busy than 10m. 

I have been on for about 30 minutes. Although I have copied stations as far away as China, it is far less busy than 10m. Just one local station has spotted me.

UPDATE 0910z: 4 spots of my QRP as far away as Asiatic Russia. Definitely a lack of activity and not propagation. 

UPDATE 1100z:  So far today 12 stations have spotted my QRP 12m FT8 and I have spotted 46. I am wondering if one of the factors is fewer people have beams on the WARC bands? On 10m, several people use low cost CB yagi antennas.

Stations spotted on 12m FT8 RX to 1310z

UPDATE 1310z:
   28 stations have spotted my 12m QRP FT8 TX and I have spotted 99 stations on RX. So far, just one USA station has starting to appear (see map).

UPDATE 1848z:  216 stations have been spotted on RX and 71 stations have spotted my 12m QRP FT8 TX from the QDX with the furthermost YE6YE (10260km) on Java.

Stations spotting my 12m QRP FT8 today

UPDATE  2129z: 
 138 stations have spotted me on 12m QRP FT8 TX and 248 stations spotted here on the QDX.

Rallies this weekend

The following rallies have been notified to me. As I have no control over these emails, I always advise checking the data is correct before travelling any distance.

OFCOM updates

A reminder that OFCOM updates the details held on licences etc every week. Check the OFCOM website for more details. 

Historic Plaques - NOT amateur radio

Around our village we have a number of plaques to commemorate well known people or places. There is a copy of these in our superb village museum. 

4m UKAC next Thursday

I must remember to this! 

So far I have been disappointed by the lack of activity on this band outside of the Es season. Hopefully things will be better in the activity contest. 

As I recall things from many years ago, it was a good band for inter G QSOs. Since then (1970s) VHF activity has nosedived. 

Friday plans

Almost certainly I shall be on the air with the tiny QDX, although I am not sure what band. Maybe I should try 12m for a change? 

I tend to operate as a beacon and rarely chase others. To me, seeing who receives me is enough. DXCC chasing no longer appeals. 

Sunspots - Friday April 14th 2023

Solar flux is 160 and the SSN 154. A=6 and K=2.