3 Apr 2020

10m WSPR TX (500mW)

Simply as the tiny indoor loop and 10m WSPR beacon are available, I am TXing on 10m WSPR since 0742z. As yet, no spots.

UPDATE 0806z: It seems G4KPX (14km) has just turned on and is spotting me. At the moment  drift is quite high, probably as both my TX and his RX are still settling. Similar strength to yesterday, so all working. It would be good to see a few more locals spotting me in the absence of any DX.

UPDATE 0810z: Drift now 0Hz.

2m FT8 - too easy?

Although I have only been on 2m FT8 for a while (started at 0742z with 10W to the big-wheel omni), I have already been spotted 8 stations in about 10 minutes with the best DX a spot by G0RQL (353km) in north Devon.

UPDATE 0822z: Now spotted by 11 stations in 2 countries so far on 2m FT8 TX.

UPDATE 1825z: Now spotted by 44 stations in 7 countries in the last day on 2m FT8.

Thanks - NOT amateur radio

Like many in Europe, many people on our road came out at 8pm last night for the key workers trying to save us in the Corona virus pandemic. We clapped.

Friedrichshafen - still on (for now)

At the moment, organisers are still working and planning on the assumption that this big event is still taking place in June. They hope to re-assess things in a few weeks' time. If I was a betting man (I am not) I should assume this will be either cancelled or postponed.

See https://www.hamradio-friedrichshafen.com/

Sunspots - Friday April 3rd 2020

Solar flux is 69 and the sunspot number 12. A=7 and K=3.

2 Apr 2020

Rallies postponed or cancelled

The best advice seems to be assume all rallies are postponed or cancelled at the moment. I have just received this.

Again apologies if the white background renders this hard to read, but this is how I got this news.


23RD ANNUAL GMDX CONVENTION. King Robert Hotel, Whins of Milton, Stirling FK7 0LJ GMDX AGM, lectures and card checking. See www.gmdx.org.uk.


YEOVIL ARC QRP CONVENTION. Digby Hall, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 3AA. Doors open 9.30am to 2pm, admission is £3 (regrettably no dogs except guide dogs). The event is supported by the RSGB, RAFARS and BYLARA. There will be club stands as well as new and 2nd hand stalls. Two talks are scheduled during the day; Getting aerials to radiate well by Rob, G3MYM and The Hentenna by Dave, G3ZXX. Refreshments will be available on site. Bob Harris, G8UED wjh069@gmail.com or secretary@yeovil-arc.com [http:// Yeovil-arc.com].

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

Village walk - NOT amateur radio

Today we did a walk around the village. We went to the far end of the village and probably covered about 3.5 miles.

Winter colour

Every winter we plant winter flowering pansies and primroses to give a bit of colour. Now are into the spring we shall have to think about plants for the spring and summer. Not sure how we will manage this year.

10m WSPR TX (500mW)

For a little while, I have been on 10m WSPR TX with the tiny indoor loop antenna. At the moment just G4KPX (14km) spotting me (4 spots so far at 0919z). Drift is quite high, but getting better,  probably as both my beacon and his RX are settling.

UPDATE 1235z: So far today just spots by G4KPX (14km).

UPDATE 2110z: Now QRT.

2m FT8

Once again, I am on 2m FT8 using 10W to the big-wheel omni antenna. So far (to 0912z) 5 stations have spotted me with the best DX being 2 stations in north Devon.

UPDATE 1230z: So far 21 stations in 5 countries have spotted me today.

UPDATE 1430z:  Now 30 stations in 6 countries have spotted my 10W FT8 to the big-wheel omni today.

UPDATE 2120z: Now QRT.  In all, 52 stations spotted my 10W in the last day on 2m FT8 TX with with the most distant being SM0MDG (1364km) in Sweden.