16 Jan 2020

Childhood pets - NOT amateur radio

The photo dates from the late 1950s and shows our pet hen and terrier eating from the same bowl.

160m FT8 overnight

Well it was a funny night on 160m FT8 RX overnight. Fewer North American stations copied, but 1 Caribbean and 2 South Americans spotted.
Stations spotted on 160m FT8 RX overnight 

Seasons - NOT amateur radio

As I get older time seems to pass faster. It seems only a few moments since Christmas 2018. We blink and the clocks will be going back to GMT yet again. We adapt to darker evenings without even noticing.

Sunspots - Thursday January 16th 2020

Solar flux is 71 and the SSN 0. A=4 and K=1.

15 Jan 2020

160m FT8 RX

About 30 minutes ago I switched to 160m FT8 RX using the earth electrode "antenna" in the ground (see earlier post today for details). So far, 21 stations spotted with best DX RU3FM (2504km).

It will be interesting to see how many North Americans are spotted overnight. 

UPDATE 1730z:  30 stations spotted so far this evening.

Earth-electrode "antenna" in ground

As many know, this simple arrangement has given me great success on 1840kHz FT8 and 472kHz WSPR. I am sure a "proper" antenna and ground would be better, but for me, at 2 QTHs, it has worked.

On 160m QRP TX it has allowed me to be copied in North America! Although I used the mains earth at this QTH (you need to check if this is safe with your mains system), I used an external ground at my old QTH with the interconnecting wire on the ground with broadly similar results. My theory is this arrangement acts as a loop in the ground on VLF, LF and MF. At the old QTH I did not need the matching transformer.

Polyakov RX idea

For modes like WSPR, FT8 and similar you may find inspiration in this very simple RX designed many years ago for 10m WSPR. Although direct conversion and hence DSB, it worked well.

At the time I used very low cost GQRP 14.060MHz crystals, pulled up a little bit. For FT8 you would need low cost crystals at half  28.074MHz. The audio parts alone might give someone ideas.

BBC MW closures - NOT amateur radio

Southgate News has a further piece about BBC Medium Wave local radio closures planned.

See http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2020/january/further-changes-to-some-bbc-local-radio-medium-wave-services.htm#.Xh7f8fKTLnE

2m FT8

On 160m FT8 nothing copied for 2 hours now, so  I have QSYed to 2m FT8. Initially I called CQ (10W to the big-wheel) and was spotted by 7 stations including 2 in Cornwall. Best DX was a spot by G7RAU (461km). On 2m FT8 RX 2 spots so far with F5APQ (180km) the best DX.

UPDATE 1104z: 6 stations spotted today so far on 2m FT8 RX. Best DX is G6YBV (261km).

UPDATE 1135z: So far today my 10W 2m FT8 to the big-wheel omni antenna has been spotted by 11 stations with best DX being PE7FG (445km). BTW, I am using WSJT-X v2.1.2. I get very annoyed when people call me after I have finished a TX CQ session. This happened this morning when I was called by a French station way after I had left the shack. Call me when I am on a  transmitting session, or you are very unlikely to a reply! If I am on TX calling CQ I always try to reply.

UPDATE 1155z: Currently 11 stations in 5 countries spotted this morning on 2m FT8 RX with best DX HB9MOZ (765km).

Poor on 160m FT8 RX last night

Overnight was poor on 160m FT8 RX. The number of North American stations spotted was the smallest seen all season. 317 stations spotted in the last 12 hours. Although no 160m expert it looks, to me, as if conditions are changing.
Stations spotted on 160m FT8 RX overnight