29 Sept 2019

Sputnik Days

Some years ago G6ALB and I made a simple valve TX based on Sputnik valves. As I recall it was about 400mW output. Our CQ was answered by a station in the USA. This was on 15m. The 72 Club is organising a similar series of events.

Eating parkin - NOT amateur radio

Our younger grandson loves his parkin, so Granny made him some especially. Here he is today enjoying it.

Entertainment - NOT amateur radio

Whenever we see our younger granddaughter she likes to dance for us.

G3XBM history

On my www.g3xbm.co.uk website is a page about history. Some people may be interested.

Yew Tree Pub - NOT amateur radio

Last night our son took us out with his family to a pub in a nearby village for a meal. It was a delightful place.

Sunspots - Sunday September 29th 2019

Solar flux is 67 and the SSN 0. A=27 and K=2.

28 Sept 2019

Kent - NOT amateur radio

We are in Kent for a couple of nights staying with my son and his family. This is a photo of my wife and I with 2 of our grandchildren.

With a grandson

This is my wife with one of our grandchildren.


Years ago I used an HW8 QRP CW rig and had much fun with it. These days there are more effective QRP modes.

DX soundbites

One of the links on my website is to a page with soundbites of DX stations. These were made in 2013.

See http://hamgallery.com/dx2013/

Sunspots - Saturday September 28th 2019

Solar flux is 66 and the SSN 0. A=21 and K=3.

27 Sept 2019

30m FT8 RX

Continuing my experiments with the tiny indoor loop antenna, I have QSYed to 10.136MHz (30m) FT8 RX. Immediately 48 stations spotted.

30m FT8 RX on the 
tiny indoor loop as of 2100z
UPDATE 2013z: Now 162 stations spotted today on 30m FT8 RX with the tiny indoor loop. The first USA station has been spotted here on 30m FT8 RX - N0FW (6352km).

365 Project - NOT amateur radio

For several years now, my wife and I have done something called the 365 project. This is totally free, but you can pay $19.99 a year to gain total privacy and extra albums.

The idea is to take a photo every day.  It make a good visual diary. Some photos are very creative, whereas others are boring and blurred.

If you want to, you can see the photos taken by others around the world. It has been a good exercise. We try to stick to very recent photos when we can, unless there is good reason.

My own photos are at http://365project.org/g3xbm/365 . Don't get too excited!

17m FT8 RX

Continuing my tests with the tiny indoor loop, I have QSYed to 17m FT8 RX. Already 12 stations spotted with best DX PY2VA (9584km) in Brazil. Already 3 continents spotted!

UPDATE 1416z: As well as loads of Europeans, 5 USA and one South American spotted.

Stations spotted on 17m FT8 RX 
with the tiny indoor loop to 1715z.
UPDATE 1715z: Now 111 stations spotted today with the tiny indoor loop with best DX spotted LU3DI (11229km).

BREXIT deal? - NOT amateur radio

Like most in the UK and the rest of Europe, I am fed up with BREXIT. Whether you voted "remain" or "leave" in the 2016 UK referendum, agreeing a deal seems illusive.

Both the UK and the rest of the EU want a deal, but no-one seems to want to compromise or lose face. Certainly most in the UK parliament and in the country seem angrier than even a few years ago. I do hope a deal in which no-one loses face can be agreed in the next few weeks. Whilst there is a lot of brinkmanship, time is rapidly running out.

I'd have more faith if the current Prime Minister was not a liar. Quite recently, he had an encounter with a man in a hospital. The PM claimed the press were not there when they clearly were! It looked like a press event to me. Sometimes I fear he believes what he wants to believe. Does this remind you of anyone?

MLS weekend offers

As usual, MLS is offering some deals for the weekend. This is to attract buyers at the UK Hamfest, but these apply to other sales as well. I don't know if these are good deals or not, but if you are going to buy one of the sale items it is worth taking a look.

See https://www.hamradio.co.uk/

Weather forecasts - NOT amateur radio

As a matter of habit, I check the weather forecasts. Usually I look on the BBC weather forecast and the Met Office weather forecast. Rarely do these agree.

As an example, the Met Office forecast shows the risk of thunder at tea time. The BBC forecast has no mention of this.

Now, I know forecasting the weather in the UK is not a precise science, but I would have expected more agreement just a few hours ahead!

10m FT8

Today I am trying 10m FT8 using the tiny indoor loop. A quick couple of (5W) 10m FT8 CQs was spotted by a couple of Gs, but nothing further yet. Earlier I spotted a G0 finishing a QSO with a YO station, but this did not get reported to PSKreporter maps. I am monitoring 28.074MHz FT8. Like 6m, I think many have migrated to lower frequencies thinking the band is dead.

UPDATE 1030z: DK9CX (937km) and S55OO (1233km) spotted on 10m FT8 RX. G0PQO (50km) also spotted. This was the station I spotted earlier.

UPDATE 1113z: DK9CX replied to my 5W 10m FT8 CQ, but in the end I lost him sadly before completing. In all, 5 stations spotted my 5W FT8 10m CQ with the best being a spot by 9A4ZM (1289km). My regret now is not trying this indoor tiny loop back in the Es season! On 10m FT8 RX 9 spots so far with best DX spotted being IK7XLU (1708km).

UPDATE 1225z: 18 stations spotted on 10m FT8 RX so far.

UPDATE 1314z: A recent 5W 10m FT8 CQ (using the tiny indoor loop) was spotted by 3 stations with the best being HB9CRE (795km). Now 19 stations spotted on 10m FT8 RX today so far. There are probably fewer people monitoring and TXing on 10m FT8 compared with 20m.

15m FT8 RX

On the tiny indoor loop, I am trying 15m FT8 RX. Although I have not been on long, no spots so far this morning. I am looking on 21.074MHz, which I think is the 15m FT8 frequency.

UPDATED 1022z: Although I have QSYed to 10m FT8, there were plenty of Europeans being spotted on 15m FT8. Yes 21.074MHz seems to be the 15m FT8 frequency.

Ferrite rod transmitting antennas

This has been posted before, but results may surprise many.

Perhaps I should repeat these tests with FT8 from this QTH. FT8 is not as good as WSPR with weak signals but it is better than CW.

These tests were done at least 6 years ago and I have not tried since.  It must be used with QRP or the ferrite may saturate.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/antennas/ferrite_tx

Sunspots - Friday September 27th 2019

Solar flux is 67 and the SSN 0. A=4 and K=1.

20m FT8

On the tiny indoor loop 614 stations spotted in the last day on 20m FT8 RX, well exceeding all expectations.  Already on 20m FT8 RX with the loop lots of stations spotted. This is far from a great loop as the wire is not exactly thick. Quite amazing.

Today I might try a higher HF band.

26 Sept 2019

Trump Impeachment - NOT amateur radio

Whilst I fully accept that the good people of the USA are free to elect whoever they wish as their president, I personally have problems with President Trump and PM Johnson.

Both men seem to me (personal view and others are free to hold different views) to be right wing and rather poor in their roles. President Trump seems to me to be out of step with many e.g. over climate change and Iran to name just 2. His actions seem to fall short of what I'd expect from a true statesman. PM Johnson seems to be in a similar vein.

We'll see what the impeachment enquiry into the activities of President Trump reveal.

All I ever wish is that leaders of the western nations act as true statesmen, thinking long-term and not about their own careers. I struggle to think of any leaders who are more focussed on the long-term good of the planet rather than their own short-term well beings.

20m FT8 RX

As I have no antennas outside for 20m I am using the tiny loop on the back of the rig indoors. At a guess this is about 0.5m across. In the first 2 hours no less than 97 stations spotted with best DX EA8AT (2843km) in the Canaries. This antenna is so small and indoors.

UPDATE 1533z: Quite amazing. 373 stations in 4 continents spotted today on 20m FT8 RX with the tiny indoor loop. Best DX spotted is JF8QNF (8763km).

UPDATE 1542z: As an experiment, I tried a quick 20m FT8 CQ (10W) using the indoor loop, but was spotted by no-one. I may try again as there is a high chance I was being clobbered by another station on the same frequency.

UPDATE 1727z: For some reason, my 20m dial had moved to 14.000 rather than 14.074MHz. I called FT8 CQ again (this time on the correct frequency) and was spotted in southern Italy by 3 stations and 1 in France. On RX 465 stations spotted on 20m FT8 with the tiny indoor loop today.

UPDATE 2140z:  584 stations spotted today on 20m FT8 RX with the tiny indoor loop. I have to say that results with this tiny antenna have far exceeded my expectations.
20m FT8 RX - stations spotted to 
1717z today with the tiny indoor loop

PSKreporter issue?

All morning nothing I received was being reported to PSKreporter maps. I restarted the PC and checked WSJT-X was working on 20m RX. Locally lots of EU stations are being received, but nothing is appearing on the maps. Time was just resynced and as far as I can tell my internet connection is working. I am beginning to wonder if there is a problem with PSKreporter getting reports.

UPDATE 1011z: All now working. Mystery.

2m FT8

Although I called CQ (10W) on 2m FT8 earlier, just a couple of people spotted me (EI and G) and no QSOs resulted.

On RX it was a similar story with no spots yet. It appears that many stations get active with FT8, find out the ranges are incredible, then give up having worked those stations that are active.

By the end of the day, there are usually plenty of stations and countries logged on 2m FT8 RX and TX, but I get the sense that 2m FT8 is beginning to go "off the boil" and activity levels are now dropping.

Perhaps those that get on FT8 go to work, so only get on in the evenings mainly? Certainly early mornings are not that productive.

The Outer Hebrides - NOT amateur radio

One of the places I have never been to is the Outer Hebrides in western Scotland. Having read about  these quite a bit,  it is now unlikely I'll get there.  There are miles of white sand in the Hebrides, but few trees because of the winds. Much of the coast has wild flowers.

Barra in particular takes my fancy. This is one of the southernmost islands and the plane lands on the sand twice a day.


Like many of my generation, I loved Heathkits. The very first thing that got me into the hobby back in 1961 was an Electronics Workshop. In the late 1960s, I wanted a 2m HW30 Twoer AM transceiver.

According to their website Heathkit was making a comeback. Their website exists, but their product range is very limited and very overpriced. If it still survives, it must depend on a very loyal customer base. Certainly, I would not buy these. If the comeback was successful, I'd be surprised.

See https://shop.heathkit.com/shop .

G6ALB's (mainly valve) website

For years I had regular QSOs each week with G6ALB in the next village. It looks like his website has not been updated since 2009! If you are "into" valves, you may find some ideas here.

See http://www.tetrode.co.uk/


Way back in the 1960s, and again much later, I was a member of the International Short Wave League (ISWL). In the 1960s it was quite a large international organisation producing a monthly magazine called "Monitor".  At that time, years before I was a licenced amateur, it had a tapesponding section and I exchanged tapes with an SWL in N.W. USA near Seattle. This continued for several years. I do not know what happened to him.

I think the ISWL still exists (just) but when I left for the second time many years ago it was down to a few hundred members. The ISWL was unique in that it catered for broadcast listeners as well as amateurs.

If it still exists, I would expect it has very few members left. If anyone knows how it is today, please let me now. I left for the second time as it ceased to meet my needs. The website still exists, but it looks the same as it did many years ago.

See http://www.iswl.org.uk/

Sunspots - Thursday September 26th 2019

Solar flux is 68 and the SSN 0. A=4 and K=3.

25 Sept 2019

Another IC-705 video

This YouTube video was found this evening. I hope you enjoy watching it.

Wasted spectrum?

In the UK, great swathes of spectrum are reserved for the military. I have long argued that some of this should be made available for the amateur service on a strictly non-interference basis. Even a very low ERP level could be set and stations closed if there is any hint of interference. It seems this falls on deaf ears.

In the meantime, much of the spectrum remains unavailable for serious experimental work. In no way am I saying such spectrum should not be available for the UK military as the primary user. But surely, under NoVs, parts of the spectrum could be opened up for serious "radio science" work? A phrase like "p***sing in the wind" come to mind. As commercial gear is not available at many of these frequencies, only serious experimenters are likely to apply for NoVs. Numbers would be small and all addresses known. We could even be asked to notify someone before experiments start.

Autumn leaves - NOT amateur radio

For several years now my wife has taken a photo of a certain tree at nearby Anglesey Abbey. We went this morning to catch it in its autumn colours.

After a few more weeks and with a decent blow, the leaves will have fallen until new buds appear in the spring. When we went last week, it was mostly green.

Although it was a dull morning, it looked better last year.

Trump: please read the facts!!! - NOT amateur radio

"The scientists are "virtually certain" that the global ocean has now warmed without pause since 1970."

The BBC reports on the latest news from climate scientists at the UN. Oh, sorry, this is all rubbish and just a Chinese hoax, says Trump allegedly. The world needs the USA and China fully engaged for the good of our children and grandchildren. For some nations, rising sea levels are a threat to their very existence.

Reading means you stop watching soaps on TV, tweet less, forget lobbyists from the gun and oil people and actually read reports. A true statesman does this and listens to knowledgeable and wise advisers.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-49817804 .

National Hamfest

This weekend is the UK's National Hamfest in Newark.


Newark & Nottinghamshire Showground, Lincoln Road, Winthorpe, Newark, Nottinghamshire NG24 2NY.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

2m FT8

Although I have been on 2m FT8 RX overnight, just 2 spots (1G and one DL).

I may try a 10W FT8 CQ call shortly. It seems few transmit overnight. Some start at breakfast time. I think these were both normal "flat band" conditions with the DL (who is regularly on FT8) via flat band tropo judging by the signal level.

UPDATE 1242z: So far today 13 stations in 7 countries spotted with best DX on 2m FT8 RX being EB1DJ (1279km) in northern Spain. On TX (10W to the big-wheel omni) an earlier CQ on 2m FT8 was spotted by 7 stations in 3 countries with my best DX DF6PW (562km).

UPDATE 1917z: A recent 10W FT8 2m CQ was copied by 11 stations in 4 countries. One QSO with PA1BVM (367km) resulted. On 2m FT8 RX 32 stations in 9 countries spotted in the last day.

Sunspots - Tuesday September 25th 2019

Solar flux is 67 and the SSN 0. A=13 and K=1 .

CME triggered auroras?

Southgate News reports that there is a risk of a coronal mass ejection causing auroras this week. In the past I have worked stations via auroras with QRP on 6m CW and 10m SSB. A geomagnetic storm is likely even if the CME debris misses Earth.

See http://southgatearc.org/news/2019/september/minor-cme-impact-could-spark-auroras-this-week.htm

Rybakov antennas

The basic idea of Rybakov antennas is to feed these at the high impedance end via a transformer so the impedance is brought down to the range (usually VSWR better than 3:1) that can be matched with the auto ATUs in many modern HF rigs.

Somewhere in the garage I have an x80 antenna which was a commercial version. I think this antenna is no longer available, but I guess similar antennas are available. The one I have was criticised for blowing wildly in winds. If I can erect it on our bungalow, it should give me access to several bands.

If you buy the toroid formers and wind the transformers, Rybakovs are quite easy to make. There are several examples on YouTube and elsewhere on the internet.