16 Aug 2019

Enough? - NOT amateur radio

The UK pound has been gaining against most major currencies this morning. This may be a blip as BREXIT uncertainties continue. However, maybe the world has said, "enough".

International Politics - NOT amateur radio

The world is in a mess.

Britain is busy navel gazing and losing friends in Europe. North and South Korea have fallen out again, Israel continues to treat Palestine as if it didn't exist, the USA is spoiling for a war with Iran, civil war continues in Syria, Yemen continues to be fought over by proxi, Kashmir continues to be troublesome to Pakistan and India, the USA seems to want a trade war with China, and we have a climate crisis that the world chooses to ignore. These are to name but a few.

Oh for some common sense! Almost all these conflicts could be solved by compromise and talking.

6m FT8 today

Just a few moments ago, I switched to 6m FT8. Initially I called CQ with my best spot one from SP5ENA (1392km). I assume this was Es, but it could be aircraft reflection. At the moment, I am RX only.

UPDATE 1045z:  Unless my internet has been off most of the morning, this looks like a very poor morning on 6m FT8 RX with just 1 G spotted. I shall try another CQ call shortly. Probably more are monitoring than transmitting now that most think the Es season is largely over. This is a pity as I have found 6m open via Es way into September. As user numbers go down, this can lead to feeling the band is dead when it is anything but. With FT8, brief openings can be utilised and users are looking in the same spectrum space. Also, FT8 can work with signals weaker than CW.

UPDATE 1112z: A recent FT8 CQ call was spotted by 7 stations with my best DX being a spot by OH2FQV (1751km). So, there is some Es, just a lack of activity!

UPDATE 1238z:  My recent FT8 CQ was copied as far apart as Spain, Finland and the Faroes. As I said, many think the Es season has ended!

UPDATE 1338z: So, they tell me the Es season is over on 6m. Please tell someone then! The photo shows the stations that have spotted me already today using just the V2000 vertical omni antenna.

UPDATE 1454z: A recent 6m FT8 CQ call resulted in just 2 G spots and no QSOs.

UPDATE 1812z: So far 33 stations spotted on 6m FT8 RX with the best DX being EA8BEV (3126km). No Es?

UPDATE 1934z: Today, I have been spotted by 27 different stations in 11 countries on 6m FT8 TX with the best DX being SV9CVY (2728km) on Crete.

UPDATE 2023z: I was about to go QRT, but found the 6m band wide open, so for now I am still on. In the last few minutes I have been spotted in Italy and Poland on 6m FT8. The Polish station was worked on FT8.

UPDATE 2055z: Now QRT.

160m FT8 overnight

160m FT8 RX overnight resulted in 117 stations being spotted in 3 continents. The earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground was used. 160m certainly was good.

Sunspots - Friday August 16th 2019

Solar flux is 68 and the SSN is still 0. A=4 and K=1.

15 Aug 2019

160m FT8

As of a few moments ago (1855z), I am on 160m with the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. An FT8 CQ call was spotted by a couple of stations with best DX F1TFT (353km). It is still light here. Nothing yet spotted on 160m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1915z: A recent FT8 call to PA1CC failed, but was spotted by 6 stations including HB9DSZ (822km).

Recent 160m FT8 spots of me using 
the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground
UPDATE 2008z: My recent FT8 CQ was spotted by 11 stations with my best DX being a spot by OL7M (1126km). No QSOs resulted. By the way, on RX my noise floor with this antenna is below S1.

UPDATE 2025z: On 160m FT8 RX my best DX so far this evening is LY3BRA (1573km).

UPDATE  2120z: On 160m FT8 RX my best DX is 5T5PA (3791km). This "antenna" certainly works!

Then they were gone - NOT amateur radio

Until a few weeks ago, the skies were filled with the sound of swifts screaming overhead. Then, one day you realise they are no longer here. A few stragglers may still be around. Indeed, we saw a single one in Norwich as few days ago, but most have flown south after warmth and insects. They fly thousands of miles returning next April or May. To me the sound of swifts overhead is archetypal English summer.

See https://www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/wildlife-guides/bird-a-z/swift/

Butterfly - NOT amateur radio

This butterfly was spotted earlier today at Anglesey Abbey. We saw quite a few. Anglesey Abbey is about 5 miles away by car. We visit most months.

FT991A software bug?

When I returned to 144.174MHz FT8 earlier, the bandwidth was 500Hz maximum in digital USB. On 160m, 6m and 70cm it was 3000Hz. Now, this may be finger trouble, but I am sure that this was 3000Hz the last time I tried 2m FT8!  I am beginning to doubt my sanity. Reading the manual, I am none the wiser.

Anyone any ideas please?

Rally this Sunday


Princethorpe College, Princethorpe, Rugby CV23 9PY. Admission is £3 and the NGR for sat navs is SP395710. Doors open from 10am to 4pm, with traders having access from 8.30am. There is a car boot area. Catering is available on site. Details from Steve, G8LYB on 07956 855816 or email rally@rugbyats.co.uk www.rugbyats.co.uk.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/