5 Jun 2019

160m FT8 RX

Although I remained on 160m FT8 RX overnight, there were fewer EUs active than previously and no "real DX" on the band.

Electric Cars - NOT amateur radio

As mentioned a few days ago, my view is this is still not quite a mature technology. Once ranges are improved, I am still convinced there will be a "tipping point", although we are not there yet. Batteries based on lithium may not be the answer. Maybe we need a new technology that is truly green?

Sunspots - Wednesday June 5th 2019

Solar flux is 69 today and the sunspot number. A=4and K=1.

4 Jun 2019

160m FT8 RX

Overnight, I shall be on 160m FT8 RX again. Now darkness has fallen Europeans are starting to come through, although it is unlikely stations "across the pond" will appear. Currently my best DX on 160m FT8 this evening is OM7DX (1325km). Still using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground.

UPDATE 2137z: Now 21 stations spotted on 160m FT8 RX this evening with best DX R7PL (3468km) in Chechnya.

2m activity contest

This evening was the monthly 2m leg of the RSGB's activity contest(UKAC), that I missed last month as I was on holiday.

Again, my poor voice did not help and I could only stay on for about 50 minutes only. My 5W to the big-wheel omni netted me some decent QSOs as the map shows.

New radio

As the photo shows, I decided to pass on the IC7300 and FT991A and buy some modern gear instead. The picture shows me demonstrating it to a few old friends. 😉

Anglo-Saxons - NOT amateur radio

At the weekend we took 2 of our young grandchildren to West Stow where there is a reconstructed Anglo-Saxon village. The theme was Anglo-Saxon food.  Despite the looks on our grandson's face, he actually enjoyed it! We also ate in the café there and were served by very friendly staff. My wife said the fruit scone was one of the best she had ever had.

One of their drinks was dandelion coffee. We made some years ago and it was actually very good.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dandelion_coffee

OFCOM monthly update

Every month OFCOM issues an update to its Communications Monthly. This summarises the main numbers that matter.

BREXIT - NOT amateur radio

We have the US president on a state visit to the UK giving his usual "helpful" advice. Without his help we are already in a mess with the ruling Conservatives and the main opposition Labour parties both deeply divided over the EU. Also the Conservatives are to elect a new leader and Prime Minister when Theresa May leaves soon.

Honestly, we are deeply divided over the EU and I see no easy answers. If I could hibernate I should do so for 10 years to see how this works out. If only the EU had been a little more flexible. With the rise of right wing parties maybe they will soon face a stark choice: modify how the EU works or face its break-up.

4m (70MHz)

It is many years since I went, briefly, on 70MHz with a homebrew QRP transverter and a wire dipole. Even with this some impressive inter-G DX was worked. The transverter featured in GQRP SPRAT. It is also on my website.  If I buy a new radio it is unlikely to include 70MHz.

See www.70mhz.org .