12 Oct 2018

2m FT8 RX yesterday

Stations spotted here yesterday on 2m FT8 RX
It seems impossible to realise this is 2m!

Every single day it seems these results are possible even with my big-wheel omni and no beams and no lifts. There is no doubt that FT8 has transformed DX on this band.

In the past if I worked Germany on 2m I would have popped the champagne. Yesterday morning my 2.5W FT8 CQ was copied in Germany and I did not even tell the XYL.

Rallies this Sunday


The Floral Hall, Hornsea HU18 1NQ. Doors open 10am, admission £2, under 14 free. There will be trade stands, a Bring & Buy run by the Hornsea ARC and RSGB book stall. Hot and cold food available in the cafe. Les, 2E0LBJ, 01377 252 393, lbjpinkney1@hotmail.co.uk www.hornseaarc.co.uk.


Holsworthy Community College, Victoria Hill Holsworthy, Devon EX22 6JD. There will be traders, a Bring & Buy and catering. The venue also has disabled access. Doors open at 10am. Howard, M0MYB, holsworthyarc@gmail.com www.qsl.net/m0omc/holsrally.html.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

11 Oct 2018

10m WSPR

As the antenna was free, I went on 10m WSPR TX (500mW) today. Just EA8BFK (2880km) spotting me. I think this was F2.

Parker's Piece, Cambridge - NOT amateur radio

Back in the early 1800s this was the place where a huge party was held to celebrate the coronation of Queen Victoria. 1838 I think. I walk across this park on my way to my U3A course.

Sunspots - Thursday October 11th 2018

Solar flux is 70 today and the SSN is zero. A=18 and K=3.

So far on 2m FT8

A before breakfast 2m FT8 CQ (2.5W to the omni) was spotted by several stations including DK1VC (503km).

10 Oct 2018

2m FT8

As 10m FT8 seems to have closed now, I have QSYed to 2m FT8. A recent CQ (2.5W) was spotted by 10 stations with best DX on TX being G4RRA (334km) in Devon. PA2M (311km) also spotted me. Still using the big-wheel omni antenna. No beams here.

Gay cake - NOT amateur radio

I am pretty liberal in matters gay and transsexual. At work one day someone who was a man came to work as a woman. As I recall no-one batted an eyelid. It just did not matter. What was important was this person was happy. Quite a few of my friends just happen to be gay. Again, it just does not matter as long as they are happy.

So, perhaps you will be surprised to learn that I am pleased that a bakery in Northern Ireland has won its appeal about baking a gay cake. In my view, this shop and any business is free to abide by morals it feels are right. We may not agree with these morals, but this is right for them. You may not agree!

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-45789759

10m FT8

At this time of the year and at this part of the solar cycle, 10m is likely to be erratic. A few days ago, it was wide open to Europe and DX parts, whereas today here nothing as yet.

I called CQ on FT8 but got no spots at all. As yet - been on 10m FT8 for about 30 minutes - nothing spotted. Things may change or this may be another day without spots.

At least with FT8 we are all in the same spot of the band (within a 2kHz or so window) and FT8 will winkle out anything if it is there.

UPDATE 1128z:  Just a couple of Gs spotted so far on 10m FT8. A CQ (2.5W) a few moments ago was not spotted by anyone.

UPDATE 1800z: Now plenty of South Americans (and others) coming through on 10m FT8 RX. A recent CQ (2.5W) was spotted in Uruguay although no QSOs resulted. CX3DDO (11122km) was my best DX on 10m FT8 TX, and we are close to sunspot minimum!
10m FT8 TX (2.5W CQ)
10m FT8 RX (to 1810z)
UPDATE 1840z: The band seems to have closed now.

UPDATE 1912z: PY and VP8 still being copied at 1852/3z.

Fewer young people drinking in the UK - NOT amateur radio

Official figures out today suggest fewer young people are now drinking in the UK. This is a good thing.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-45807152