14 May 2018

Small world - NOT amateur radio

This old photo shows the Crowder Café in Salcombe, Devon many years ago. It replaced a cottage in which lived a chimney sweep who apparently could not tell the time. I was told he would sometimes arrive at an ungodly hour in the early morning!

Back in WW2 Montgomery and Eisenhower came to Salcombe to inspect D-day troops. My aunt served Eisenhower (later US president) at this café. Small world.

Thurlestone,Devon - NOT amateur radio

At the weekend, we returned from a period in South Devon, where I come from. We met my brother and some of his family, but stayed in Thurlestone, not far from the cliffs. This is a very unspoilt part with stunning views (see photo and video).

6m FT8

After a brief period 3 hours ago calling others with 2.5W FT8 (2 reports with best DX 181km), I am now RX only. So far (0916z), 23 unique stations spotted in 6 countries, mostly by Es on 6m FT8.

UPDATE 1335z: So far today, 13 countries spotted on 6m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1756z: Currently 22 countries spotted on 6m FT8 today. As for unique stations, I have lost count! Best DX SV9CVY (2675km) on Crete.

Stations spotted on
6m FT8 to 1915z
UPDATE 1918z: Lots of Es on 6m FT8 today. I briefly called CQ on 6m FT8 and my 2.5W was spotted all over including southern Spain.

UPDATE 2104: QRT at 2045z.

Blown finals?

Here I have two FT817s. The first was bought (I think) in 2001. I was wondering why I was getting no reports of my 2.5W FT8 CQs on 6m, so I checked the power out - nothing. On the other FT817 (an ND) bought about 3 years ago - plenty. So, after about 17 years, my first failure! I guess the finals have gone. This old FT817 is mainly used on RX, so the PAs probably won't be mended in a hurry. After all this time I can hardly complain. The FT817 is a great radio.

Sunspots - Monday May 14th 2018

Solar flux is 70 and the sunspot number 12. A=8 and K=2.

13 May 2018


Today has been brilliant on 6m FT8. Stations from all over western Europe, North Africa and the Canaries have been spotted, some very strongly. This looks like Es. What I am now looking for is some real DX.

Last year, in June, Japan was spotted on 6m JT65 as well as the USA, South America, Africa and the Carribean. With so many stations active on 6m FT8 this season, this is clearly the mode to try.

My 6m system is pretty basic! Just a V2000 vertical omni and the FT817.

I see that EA8YV has been copied today in Michigan, USA on 6m FT8.

Success on VLF

Riccardo IW4DXW's EbNaut transmissions from Italy on VLF (8270.003Hz) have been decoded in Germany.

Heathkit today

When I was young (a long time ago!) Heathkits were the things to aspire to. I started out in radio with an electronics workshop from Heathkit one Christmas.

Heathkit is trying to make a comeback, but the kits so far have not exactly impressed me. This is a tough market to crack especially with cheap kits and assembled products available from China. A few years ago I bought a 40m CW transceiver kit from China (the Pixie) that was less, with free postage too,  than just one of the parts if bought in the UK. I liked Heathkits and hope the company succeeds.  I have my doubts though.

See https://shop.heathkit.com/shop

See also https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/elwk

Beacons on FT8?

With FT8 becoming so popular, I am surprised beacons on HF and VHF don't include this weak signal mode. Perhaps some already do and I have not heard of them! If you are aware of any, please let me know.

Bowcombe Creek - NOT amateur radio

We did a short walk here last week. It is a delightful spot, not far from Kingsbridge. Even when the tide is out it is beautiful. The tide turned as we were there and started to come in.