16 Mar 2018

10m Moxon

With limited space and neighbours who would not approve, I can only dream of HF beams! One good choice where space is limited is the Moxon 2 element beam. These have useful gain, wide bandwidth and are relatively small. This would still look huge in my garden, even on 10m!

Some years ago I made one for 70cm from an old coat hanger. It was easy to make and worked well.

See http://www.innovantennas.com/our-antennas/view/productdetails/virtuemart_product_id/455/virtuemart_category_id/4.html

See also https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/antennas/70cm_moxon

Just leave me alone! - NOT amateur radio

At Anglesey Abbey there is usually a swan's nest close to this spot, although this one was more interested in sleep than nest building!

On another bird matter, I see that wheatears are returning to Devon. Spring is springing, even though we have a brief return to snow this weekend.

6m EME

One of the great things about our hobby is the huge diversity. Some just enjoy chatting, whereas some choose to chase DX, often by the most difficult methods. In the latter category is 6m EME (moonbounce).

On Facebook today, I spotted this photo of a 6m EME antenna. Now, the antennas alone must be £1k plus (I'd guess) and the tower similar. The low-loss coax won't come cheap and neither will the amplifier and rig.  You also need a fair bit of space.

Now, how people choose to spend their disposable income is their affair, but there is no way you'll catch me spending thousands on the hobby. This is an impressive antenna.

See www.innovantennas.com .

Sunspots - Friday March 16th 2018

Solar flux is 68 today and the sunspot number 11. A=15 and K=4.

6m FT8

For a change, I am on 6m FT8. After a few minutes on TX calling CQ (no reports) I am on RX using the V2000 vertical antenna. As yet, nothing spotted.

UPDATE 1134z: Just 2E0VDS (30km) spotted so far.

UPDATE 1307z:  G3PXT (80km) has been spotted.

UPDATE 1547z: G0GGG (211km) is currently the best 6m FT8 DX spotted today.

UPDATE 1705z: Just 4 UK stations spotted today, which is well down on the numbers spotted on 2m FT8. There must be much less activity on 6m FT8.  I'll give it a bit longer, then QSY to MF WSPR RX.


You will be thrilled at this exciting news from OFCOM. One of the bidders in their upcoming auction of microwave spectrum has dropped out! Such excitement - I must watch my heart. Gosh, this beats enforcement any day! This really is such unbelievable news that I can scarcely stand the thrill of it!

One day they will "get real".

See http://ofcom.createsend1.com/t/ViewEmail/i/44F8D9458F3B629A2540EF23F30FEDED/59D1BD3EA2F08127C67FD2F38AC4859C

15 Mar 2018

RSGB discounts

The RSGB is doing discounts for members for World Book Day. In my case this was worth £2.50 off a book. For once, I have bought something! Rather sneakily, they add the shipping costs at the very end. Naughty.

RSGB, I don't like this. Change it!!

Spies - NOT amateur radio

The UK government has accused Russia of trying to poison an ex-spy and his daughter with a nerve agent. Although probably true, I have nagging doubts.

Most world powers have "dirty tricks" departments including the UK and the USA. The secret is not to get caught. Also, there is a lot of propaganda around, on all sides. It is just possible this is not as it seems. We may never know.

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-43415271 .

World Happiness Report - NOT amateur radio

Wondered where in the world are the happiest and saddest people? Well the World Happiness Report may have some answers. Incidentally, the UK is ranked 19th out of 156. Burundi is the worst.

See http://worldhappiness.report/ed/2018/

mcHF clones

There has been quite a bit of interest in this HF transceiver project. At one time MLS was going to sell a Chinese clone, but had second thoughts. You can buy this Chinese clone direct from China. It is much less than the FT817/818.

There is a German derivative coming called the OV140. At the time of writing, kits are not yet available. This is open source hardware and software. It looks like this will be good when it comes.

See https://www.amateurfunk-sulingen.de/projects/ovi40-sdr#start

See also http://www.m0nka.co.uk/