17 Oct 2016

F2 DX on 10m JT65

3B8CW (9751km) and EA8YV (3004km) were spotted on 10m JT65vearlier. As yet, nobody has spotted my QRP 10m JT65 signal.
UPDATE 1318z:  No further DX as yet and nothing, yet, from South America. Also, still no spots of my own signal on 10m JT65.

UPDATE 1344z: LU1HVK (11244km) in Argentina spotted my 2W QRP 10m JT65 11 minutes ago. We are now entering the Southern Hemisphere's Es season. I wonder if this helps very far south signals to get into the TEP zone?

UPDATE 1430z: My QRP 1m JT65 signal has been spotted by CS8ABY (2573km) in the Azores and by PY2NQ (9589km) in Brazil.

OFCOM updates

From the OFCOM website:

"Ofcom has today published a decision explaining that it will aim to make the 700 MHz band nationally available for mobile data by the second quarter of 2020 – 18 months earlier than originally planned
In November 2014 Ofcom announced that the 700 MHz band – which is currently used for digital terrestrial TV and wireless microphone applications – would be repurposed for mobile data.
As part of its funding for the 700 MHz clearance programme, Government has agreed to fund a grant scheme to support PMSE users who will have to vacate the 700 MHz band earlier than expected.
Ofcom has also set out its decision to allocate 20 MHz of spectrum in the 700 MHz band – known as the ‘centre gap’ – to mobile data."

Sunspots and 10m - Monday October 17th 2016

Solar flux is 80 today and sunspot number 25. K=3 . Yet again the forecast for 10m F2 is "poor".

16 Oct 2016

King of Thailand Dead

Until today, I had no idea that the late King of Thailand held the call HS1A. His death will sadden many in Thailand and many amateurs in the world. I was aware that the late King Hussain of Jordan was JY1.

I wonder how many other famous amateurs there are? For certain, I have not worked anyone famous!

Salcombe Lifeboat Disaster 1916 - NOT amateur radio

See http://salcombelifeboat.co.uk/lifeboat-disaster-centenary/ .

One hundred years ago this month the small Devon town where I came from suffered a tragedy when the lifeboat overturned with the loss of life of most of the crew. It was a tragedy in a small community. There will be a special service to mark the 100 year anniversary. One of my aunties witnessed the tragedy when she was a young girl.  Most of the crew were not young men as most of these were fighting in WW1. Only 2 people survived.

October 2016 2m UKAC Results

The results of this contest have just been published and I sit a credible 82nd out of 180 in the AL section. This is not at all bad considering I am only on for about 20% of the contest and run 5W QRP SSB on 2m to a small omni antenna. I enjoy these sessions, even though I find it hard going with my poor voice these days.

 See http://www.rsgbcc.org/cgi-bin/vhfresults.pl?Contest=144MHz%20UKAC&year=2016

Autumn - NOT amateur radio

Within a few weeks the weather has moved from late summer into autumn. On Friday we planted pansies at the back of the house and these should be in flower until the spring. It's funny how we adapt to shorter days, dark nights earlier, autumnal colours, the trees losing their leaves etc.. Time to hunker down by the fire.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pansy .

10m JT65

Although I've not been active very long, I have already been spotted in Israel by 4X1RF (3518km) and spotted a station in France F1GTU (754km). I guess the Israeli spot was F2 although it could have been Es. The French station was either Es, aircraft reflection or F2 backscatter.

UPDATE 1140z:  I have already spotted a couple of South Africans and been spotted all over Europe and the Azores.

UPDATE 1300z: First 10m JT65 spot in South America today was about 20 minutes ago. PY2JEA (9596km). Lots of Europeans spotting me and being spotted.

UPDATE 1342z:  Best DX on 10m JT65 RX is LU2XSN (13361km) in Tierra del Fuego, Southern Argentina. 6 South Americans and 3 South Africans spotted so far today on 10m JT65.

UPDATE 1552z:  Just one more South American received on 10m JT65, otherwise things seem to have gone quiet here.

UPDATE 1840z: 14 South Americans spotted on 10m JT65 today. As no spots recently I am going QRT.

UPDATE 1848z: GD0TEP (381km) was spotted several times. This is an interesting distance. It is possibly tropo, aircraft reflection or backscatter.  Now QRT here until the morning.

QRP, QRP Club and Sputniks

From Oleg:

Dear Club 72 members and friends,
Weekly QRP Rendez-Vous report (October 10 to 16, 2016)

Visitors of the week: UA1CEX, HB9DAX, OE5GYL, RA1M/mm, RU3NJC, UA1CEG,
Congrats S57RT, he became Honor Frequenter
See  full  Visitors  and  Frequenters lists at the Club 72 web page -

72! Oleg RV3GM / KH6OB "Mr. 72"

Dear Space Friends,
RA7RA/V  informed about new QSO with S57T on 14060 kc (150 mW). Also,
"Astronaut"  Vlad  R2DNN/V  send me pictures of his 120 mW one pnp Ge
transistor GT321 TX, enjoy pictures on the "results" page on club72.su
Note:  his  TX  installed  on  the  door's furniture (detail). What a
wonderful  idea,  isn't  it!  Also,  keep  attention for heat-sink of
transistor,  looks  like  micro-Sputnik  :-)  9  Volts battery name
"KOSMOS" (Space)
Sputniks?Vanguards frights to be continue before October 18.

72! beep-beep-beep...
Deep Space Communications Center
operator on duty -
Oleg ("Mr. 72") RV3GM / KH6OB

Dear Space Friends,
Cosmonaut Jiri OK1DXK (Sputnik) informed yesterday he logged QSO with
RX2AM on 40 m. Jiri used sloper wire 9 m long and 1 watt output.
Enjoy QRPp!

72! beep-beep-beep...
Deep Space Communications Center
operator on duty -
Oleg ("Mr. 72") RV3GM / KH6OB

Dear Space Friends,
R2AJA  informed  about  his  a-la  "Vanguard"  beacon mode TX. Modern
components  used  in  the  auto-beacon  TX, 1 watt output to LW 10 m.
RA7RA/SWL  copied  R2AJA/Beacon  in  October 11. Picture of TX-beacon
installed on the totals result page club72.su
Flights  to  be continue before October 18. I looking for results and
QSO reports, please.

72! beep-beep-beep...
Deep Space Communications Center
operator on duty -
Oleg ("Mr. 72") RV3GM / KH6OB

Sunspots and 10m - Sunday October 16th 2016

Solar flux is 83 today and sunspot number 35. K=3 . Yet again the forecast for 10m F2 is "poor".