5 Jul 2016

10m Es WSPR

Today was not (so far) the best day on 10m for Es, although I have received 26 reports from across Europe. Looking at the reports the Es seemed to favour more northerly stations with nothing so far from southern Europe today.
10m WSPR spots received so far today

2m UKAC tonight

As this is the first Tuesday of the month, it is the 2m UK activity contest this evening. With VHF NFD last weekend I wonder what activity will be like? As usual, I shall go on for a while until I have to stop because of my poor voice. Usually I manage an hour or less in the AL section running 5W and an omni antenna.

UPDATE 2210z: 8 contacts made with best DX G5BBL/P at 221km. Conditions were up. Good turnout with GM, GW, F, ON and PA heard.
Stations worked (5W and omni antenna) on 2m SSB tonight

Grandchildren gone home - NOT amateur radio

We had the "London" grandchildren here last night and today as their school teachers were on strike. We had a picnic in the Abbey Gardens at Bury-St-Edmunds and played crazy golf.

6m JT65 today

At the moment, it looks like there were fewer Es openings on 6m today. Most of my spots  were from Gs although I was spotted in Poland this morning (1W ERP JT65) and I have spotted stations as far away as Eastern Ukraine  in the form of UR5MED (2692km).

Sunspots and 10m - Tues July 5th 2016

Solar flux is 73 today and again the sunspot number is zero (K=1). The 10m F2 propagation forecast is "poor" again.

4 Jul 2016

SAQ yesterday

Although I did not try to listen for SAQ (17.2kHz CW on VLF) yesterday I wonder who did? It was received in Russia and is a good test of your VLF system. Although they have a lot of power and big antennas it can be a challenge to receive them.

July 4th - NOT amateur radio

If I am not mistaken, today is a national holiday in the USA to celebrate independence of the 13 original USA states from the UK in 1776.  I am sure if they wanted to join the UK they would be welcome!

The UK voted recently to leave the EU. Time will tell whether this was a good move or a bad one. We probably have more in common with the USA than the rest of Europe. Certainly we share a common language.

I like Europe but am not a great fan of the EU as an institution. Like many, in many nations, I am happy with a common market but not a federal Europe. The EU has sadly become an inefficient institution which has not added a lot of value in recent years. Although I voted REMAIN, I am not surprised we voted to LEAVE. It is now up to us to forge our way in the world. In some ways being outside the EU is not so bad.

Disappointing Es so far today

With just 3 Es spots on 10m WSPR all day and just G spots on 6m JT65, today has been disappointing for Es. Even with 500mW and my indifferent antenna on 10m, I still get decent reports, but I guess there was not much Es about today. A "bad hair day".
There was a little Es on 6m earlier as I spotted an Italian but, so far, no Es spots of my 1W ERP on 6m.

Transatlantic on 6m?

Last night I spotted Italians and Finns on 6m JT65 calling "CQ USA" or "CQ NA". I spotted, and was spotted by, nothing from across the Atlantic.  I presume some were luckier or just plain hopeful!

This morning all is quiet here with just G spots on 6m JT65 and no spots at all on 10m WSPR.

UPDATE 1114z: No 6m Es seen here yet. My best DX is a spot by G1IDZ (182km). This is either aircraft reflection or tropo.

Sunspots and 10m - Mon July 4th 2016

Solar flux is just 72 today and we have yet another day with the sunspot number at zero (K=3). The forecast for 10m F2 propagation is, not surprisingly, "poor". So far, no Es on 10m or 6m here.