9 Feb 2016

10m - a really good day so far

10m WSPR spots so far today
It has been a very good day so far, as you can see. I expect the USA be received on 10m soon.

UPDATE 1435z:  KK1D (5409km) was spotted at 1358z, which is quite early. He was also spotted later.

UPDATE 1738z:  Several more USA spots plus a huge signal from PY4MAB (9403km) who says he is using 10mW. If correct, I am amazed.

Shares - NOT amateur radio

Share prices, certainly in London, are falling on the continuing uncertainties over China, Greece and the World. The FTSE 100 index has fallen from a peak of over 7100 last year to about 5630 as I write. Things do recover but this can take years.

At such times people look for a safe haven. Many have chosen my old company, Sepura. Sepura make radios for (mainly) public safety. They recently bought a Spanish rival and now do DMR as well as TETRA.

See http://www.lse.co.uk/ShareChart.asp?chart=intraday&sharechart=SEPU&share=sepura.

UPDATE 1436z:  FTSE 100 shares are still falling.

Amateur Radio Blog

This blog often has interesting posts, including the occasional ones from me and Steve G1KQH! Although an American blog, there is often content of interest to those in Europe.

See http://www.amateurradio.com .

EC and the UK - NOT amateur radio

When it comes to our UK national referendum on whether we should stay in or leave the EC, I am undecided. In many ways the EC is a good thing. On the other hand it is a creaking bureaucracy in great need of reform. I like that Europe has been (largely) at peace in my lifetime. I like free trade in Europe. However, we are a small island running out of room, with creaking services and the UK should have the final say over who lives and works here.  I am in favour of a common market. Why do we need more?

I really feel for the genuine migrants fleeing conflict. Having had a nasty tummy bug in the comfort of my own home, I cannot help thinking how much worse this would have been if I was also cold,wet and hungry and thousands of miles from home. Even worse if you are a child who does not understand. Personally I think we should take more real refugees but not economic migrants.

No, there is still a great deal that needs fixing. Mr Cameron has not basically changed anything during his recent negotiations. We are being asked to stay, when really very very little has changed.

So, in summary, I am undecided which way to vote. At the moment I am voting to leave, but I may well change my mind.

Good start on 10m WSPR today

This morning, 10m WSPR has been good, with spots from Australia, Israel and Rhodes already (see above). As yet, I have not spotted anyone else. I have the feeling today is going to be good. As I have cautioned, do NOT believe the forecasts!

UPDATE 1120z:  PE4NSP (374km) has been spotted here. This is probably tropo with aircraft reflections too, although he is using 50W. G0LUJ (278km) has also been spotted.

UPDATE 1155z:  EA8/DL9XJ  (2981km) and I have exchanged strong reports on 10m WSPR. Probably single hop F2, but it could be Es I guess. Very strong signals.

UPDATE 1300z:  So far today. I have been spotted 5 times in Australia on 10m WSPR.

Sunspots and 10m - Tues Feb 9th 2016

Solar flux is 116 (quite good) and sunspot number 82 (not bad).K=2 which is quite low. Although the 10m forecast is still "poor", my 2W 10m was decoded times very early in Australia. Today could turn out to be not a bad day at all on 10m WSPR.

More QRP Club

From Oleg...

"Dear Club 72 members and friends,

the Weekly QRP Rendez-Vous Net report of the last week here -
G3UD became new honor frequenters of the "rendezvous" round tables.
See  full  "visitors"  and  "frequenters" lists on the Club 72 page -
Note! All new visitors I subscribe to this "72 Newsletter".
Welcome  all  QRP  operators  to  QRP  Rendez-Vous  round tables, see
schedule  on  the  Club  72  page,  please.  Comments  and  pictures

72! Oleg RV3GM / KH6OB "Mr. 72""


"Dear Club 72 members and friends,

just  uploaded  totals  page  of the Winter "Snowman" QRP Field Game.
There are the totals table, soapbox and photo gallery - enjoy that!
Links for results from "Snowman" or "Archives" in menu - www.club72.su

The Winners by nominations:
UA0SBQ - the lowest temperature in the field position
UA1CEG - the unusual original field position
RU3NJC - the original home brew radio in the field
RV3GM - the lowest power in the field
Z35M - the greatest number of QSOs in the field
UT8NR - the greatest number of QSOs with field operators in home
R4NX, UA1AQC, UA1ASB - the most absurd comic position design

Thanks all for game, for comments and for pictures!

72! Oleg RV3GM / KH6OB "Mr. 72"
=== In QRP We Trust! ==="

8 Feb 2016

10m DX again

As well as spotting the USA again this afternoon, spots were exchanged (both ways) with 9Y4DG (7207km) on 10m WSPR. His QTH is Trindad and Tobago.

KX3 and FT817

Further to my earlier comments in a blog post yesterday, I have received several comments about both rigs. The general view remains that the performance of the KX3 exceeds that of the FT817ND although it is in many ways less suited to field use than the FT817.

I have never owned a KX3 as these are very expensive in the UK. I own both a very old FT817 and a recent FT817ND. For the modes I use mostly, the FT817s do a great job. I just wish Elecraft radios were not so expensive and looked, and were, more robust. I for one would think twice about using an expensive KX3 as a field radio. I am sure they work really well, but they look flimsy. A fully loaded KX3 is currently more than twice the cost of the FT817, which is a fine radio. My FT817 gets used from MF (with my homebrew transverter) all the way to 70cms. The FT817 has worked all over the world, including indoor handheld SSB QSOs with the USA.

For the avoidance of any doubt I love the FT817 radios and would like a KX3 for home use, if the latter was less expensive.  My views, others may not agree.

If you have views, please leave your name and callsign. In future, unattributable, anonymous, unkind, comments will be deleted.  I want to foster debate, but please keep it civil.

QSYed to 10m WSPR

At 0930z I went QRT on 40m and moved up to 10m WSPR. It will take a few minutes to stabilise before any WSPR spots appear. Any spots (received or given) will be a bonus on 10m today. As before, 20% TX at 2W and 80% RX.

UPDATE 1006z:  Well, yet again some surprises on 10m WSPR. Already VK2KRR (16789km) has spotted me on 10m WSPR,before 1000z and I have spotted a Russian.