30 Aug 2015

Earth-mode VLF communications

Today I received a nice email from a station in The Netherlands on the subject of earth-mode communications. Apparently he had been inspired by my work and was still hoping to achieve better results. Earth-mode requires simple gear and simple test gear, but results can be unpredictable. It is an area where true experimentation is still possible. From my limited tests when I was fit (before my stroke) I am convinced there is a lot more to learn.
"Hello Roger,
How are you doing? I hope you are doing fine.
Since this is my first mail adressed to you, please let me first introduce myself.
My name Is Jan ( PE1AXM ) and I am a radio amateur since 1977 and live in the south-west part of the Netherlands, my age is 59.
My radio interests are mainly: making home made equipment.
About 1 year ago I discovered one of your articles that triggered my interest in 9kHz earth mode communication. So I started building. For Tx I use 2 earth rods, 2 meters long and separated 20 meters.Resistance between these rods is 16 Ohms.
A home made amplifier is capable of delivering 1 Amp into these earth rods.
For reception I use a small loop antenne that resonates at 9 kHz, followed by a low noise pre-amp and a PC with Spectran Plus software.
To be honest, I thought that a range of 4 km's would be an easy job, but I soon found out that this was not true.
My best dx so far is just over 1 km, but I realise that still a lot can be improved on my system.
Roger, I thank you for your stimulating articles and I hope that you will make further recovery."

Es on 10m and 6m WSPR

So far just a single spot by DK6UG (633km) in mid-afternoon on 10m WSPR. No Es DX seen at all today on 6m WSPR. Definitely at the end of the Es season now with Es still there but less frequent.

Sunspots and 10m - Sun Aug 30th 2015

Sunspot number is 50 today (K=2) and 10m propagation is yet again "poor".

UPDATE 1054z:  Although the forecasts show 6m Es, I certainly have seen no evidence here as yet. Likewise on 10m where the best DX was G4CUI (172km) around breakfast time. I assume this was tropo and aircraft. I see this quite a bit of tropo and aircraft reflection on 6m but less on 10m for some reason. So far, no Es on either 10m or 6m WSPR, although it is still quite early.

29 Aug 2015

More on the ICOM IC7300

See http://www.icomuk.co.uk/News_Article/3508/18526/ .

The 100W unit covers 70MHz (at 50W) in the European version. I have asked ICOM UK if they intend to sell the 10W version  (IC7300S) in the UK. This would make a fine QRP radio. I will update the blog later.

As Fred G4BWP said, you may chose to buy from a European dealer if they offer a better deal.


For years I have received notification of upcoming radio rallies , although I go to very few. Years ago I attended the Huntingdon Rally and very nearly bought a Heathkit HW7 QRP transceiver which was new at the time. This was in the early 1970s. If my memory serves me right they were about £42 new then which was almost half a month's salary. In the end I did not but one. I cannot remember how I got there.
Dear Roger,
The following Radio Rallies are coming soon:

Ernulf Academy, Barford Road, St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 2SH. OT 10am (traders 8am). CP, CBS, FM, C, TS. Malcolm Hirst, M0OLG, 01480 214 282, henry_hirst@hotmail.com www.radioclubs.net/huntsars.

Distance from Cambridge : 19 miles
Estimated Journey Time  : 40 mins

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

Es - 10m and 6m WSPR

On 10m just a couple of Es spot by DK6UG (633km) around lunchtime. Otherwise just spots by G4IKZ (18km).

On 6m WSPR plenty of spots again exchanged with G0OQK (98km) but no Es all day.

Sunspots and 10m - Sat Aug 29th 2015

Sunspot number is 52(K=2) but 10m propagation is "poor". Another disappointing day on 10m.

28 Aug 2015

Government cuts feed-in tariff for solar energy - NOT amateur radio

From Steve G1KQH:
Less feed in tariff = less interference on our bands..

73 Steve
Yet again, more policies that go against the grain WRT converting to renewables. I think this government is going backwards. I cannot understand its policies WRT energy. Are they in the pockets of the petro-chemical companies? You could be forgiven for thinking this.

Daddy-long-legs - NOT amateur radio

It is that season again with lots of spiders in the house and plenty of daddy-long-legs. Luckily neither worry me. In fact, I quite like both.

One year we had 15 daddy-long-legs in our bedroom! I love the way these creatures just bumble around bumping into everything. They are about 2 inches (5cm) long.

Es on 10m and 6m WSPR

Today, so far, has been encouraging on both 10m and 6m WSPR.  Plenty of 10m WSPR and even a spot from SP8SN (1521km) at lunchtime on 6m WSPR.

No F2 DX seen here on 10m or 6m WSPR. By now I was expecting to start getting the occasional F2 DX on 10m.