13 Dec 2014

HF contests

I am not a great fan of HF contests.  As a QRPer, I find CW contests all but impossible as people tend to send and receive at incredible speeds usually with PCs. SSB is usually better and often the "other end" has worked you before realising you are running QRP.  Later stages of contests are usually easier as the big guns are sweeping for remaining points and looking to work weaker stations.

I have been unable to work in the ARRL 10m contest (visitors this weekend) ) and I forgot the CQWW SSB contest this year! Last year, I was in hospital. It is 2 years since I last took part in CQWW SSB, which I find a very fruitful contest. I usually stick with 10m only.

Each Tuesday evening the RSGB organises a rotating series of VHF/UHF contests (UKAC) and I try to come on for the 50, 144 and 432MHz contests where I am at home and available.  I use 5w pep and a V2000 vertical on 50MHz, a 3 el on 144MHz and 5 el on 432MHz.  On 144 and 432MHz the antenna is hand-rotated. On 50MHz it is vertical and fixed.  I can usually work 150-250km in these contests despite my 5W.

First and last USA 10m WSPR spot today

WG2Z (5600km) was the first in the USA to spot my 10m 500mW beacon at 1226z and 1228z. My signal report was  up to -11dB S/N, which is strong for 500mW. I suspect there will be lots more stateside reports later this afternoon.

My last spot from the USA was at 1640z (quite early) by K9AN (6505km). Local G4IKZ(18km) has not been spotting me. I think his beam is pointing somewhere else.

6m MS - Geminids shower tonight

MS should be good overnight as we are at the peak of the Geminids MS shower.  Overnight I'll leave 6m and 10m WSPR running to see if I get any long pings and possible spots.

Sunspots and 10m

Sunspot number is 132 . 10m propagation is expected to be "good". I am already getting 10m WSPR reports from all over Europe and FR1GZ (9724km) for my 500mW beacon.

A reminder that the ARRL 10m contest is today and tomorrow.

12 Dec 2014

VK again on 10m WSPR

This morning my little 500mW 10m WSPR-AXE-CW beacon was copied in Australia by VK6JI (14439km) at 1026z at -26dB S/N. I thoroughly recommend this tiny single PCB WSPR unit that needs no PC. It fits in an Altoids mint tin. This is F2 propagation.

Yet again, I am also trying 6m WSPR with 1W ERP, but so far with no luck again. I am ever hopeful!

UPDATE 1615z:  Still an absolute blank on 6m WSPR.  Will remain on for a few more hours.

UPDATE 1704z:   ND6M (6914km) currently spotting me on 10m. Pretty sure he will not be the last USA station to spot my 500mW.

UPDATE 1854z:   W3CSW (5886km) was spotting me at 1844z.  Even he may not be the last this evening. Conditions are good still this evening on 10m WSPR.

UPDATE 1912z: W3CSW (5886km) does appear to be the last USA station to copy me from the USA. No more spots since 1844z.

ARRL 10m contest this weekend

A reminder that the annual ARRL 10m contest is this coming weekend. Conditions are likely to be good on 10m, so this is a good chance to work some worldwide DX. Next year with the decline in sunspot numbers, this is not likely to be as good. Unfortunately my operating time will be very limited because of visitors.

Sunspots and 10m conditions

Sunspot number has climbed a bit and is 115 today. 10m conditions are forecast to be "fair" although the band seems lively today.

11 Dec 2014

Moved back to 472kHz from 50MHz (6m) WSPR

Just before 1900z I gave up on 6m and QSYed down to MF again with 5mW ERP from the earth-electrode system. These are the unique spots (given and received) so far this evening.
472kHz WSPR unique spots this evening. 5mW ERP, earth-electrodes.
My power was actually 0.005W (5mW) ERP and not 0.5W as shown above. I'd forgotten to change the power setting in WSPRX until a few minutes ago. Darn it.

I am seeing up to 4 spots per transmission on 472kHz WSPR. Not bad for 5mW ERP and a short baseline earth-electrode "antenna" system.

10m - last USA spot was W3CSW

It is now 2115z. Since 1744z, the only station spotting me as been G4IKZ (18km). W3CSW (5886km) was indeed the last USA station to spot me at 1744z. No other transatlantic stations have spotted me since.

6m - another dead loss day

Today I have been WSPRing successfully with my WSPR-AXE-CW (500mW) on 10m, but yet again my efforts on 6m have been a dead loss .  Yet again, nor a single station copied or spotting me on 6m WSPR.  I have concluded that, at this time of year, 6m is a disaster.

UPDATE 1900z:  Still absolutely nothing on 6m. Dead loss.