25 Aug 2014

10m - transatlantic YET again today!

This lunchtime, 10m opened to the USA yet again with K9AN (6505km) and KC2GMM (5562km) being spotted here. I think this is the 10th time I have caught a 10m stateside opening this Es season. I am sure that WSPR is helping to discover these brief openings. 

I find it amazing that 10m gets to the USA so often. If this is multi-hop Es (I think it is) similar openings are likely any summer Es season, even right in the sunspot minima.  Some even think Es gets better as we approach the minima, although I am unsure if this is true.

UPDATE 1425z:  EA5CYA (1376km) has been spotted several times since lunchtime by Es. Otherwise mainly locals G4KPX (14km) and G0LRD (25km).

UPDATE 1920z:   GM4WJA (624km) has spotted me several times this evening by Es.  OK2SAM (1283km) has been spotted on Es here at 1906z.

UPDATE 2133z:   LZ1OI (2153km) spotted at -18dB S/N on WSPR by Es at 2018z. There has been Es throughout the day, but it has been absent far more than "there". I guess this is how it is going to be now as we enter the quieter Es months.

Sunspots today and 10m this morning

Sunspot count is 128 with 20-30MHz propagation forecast to be "good". This should be another good day for 10m F2 long distance propagation. I'd expect more Es too at some time.

So far today, just locals G4KPX (14km) and G0LRD (25km) spotting me and being spotted, apart from OZ7IT at breakfast time by Es.  No sign (yet) of F2 propagation.

UPDATE 1045z:  OK2UGG (1164km) has just spotted me by Es.

UPDATE 1050z:  G0LRD tells me I missed VK3KCX at breakfast time this morning by F2.  I think Dave's antenna on 10m is better than mine.

UPDATE 1208z:  No further Es (or F2) seen here since OK2UGG at 1032z.

10m - yet more transatlantic

Very late last night, 10m yet again was open across the Atlantic to the USA.  N2OTO (7088km) was spotting my 2W at around 2312z at -16dB S/N and a little earlier WB2TQE (7097km) was copying me slightly less strongly. Although most probably multi-hop Es, it is just possible it was F2 back-scatter from near the equator. 10m has opened to the USA very many times this summer. I think I have caught 8-9 openings now, and I will have missed a few.

These are just the sort of fleeting openings that regular WSPR operation will reveal.

24 Aug 2014

10m - still being spotted in Brazil

PT2WWV is still spotting me at 2142. I suspect he will copy me even later too. This is now the 6th time he has spotted me this evening.

VLF experiments

My neurosurgeon believes I should now be driving again and so do I.   I am waiting to hear from the DLVA. It is now a year since I last drove or touched alcohol, because of my brain bleed and the op that followed it.

One of the first things I want to do is some 8.97kHz tests from the "new" QTH. I say new QTH, but we have lived there over a year now, although I was in hospital for 3.5 months. This test will involve driving to some local test  sites to see how strong (or weak) my 5W test signal from home is. The drives are quite short.

10m - my favourite band of all

There is something very special about the 28MHz (10m) band. It is hard to put my finger on why I enjoy 10m so much - probably it is the great variety of propagation - but it is, for most of the sunspot cycle, more fascinating than any other HF band. April-September 10m seems to support Es and there is a second Es peak at Christmas/January.  F2, especially over N-S paths seems to be present right to the sunspot minima. GDX (inter-G DX) seems to be possible by tropo or aircraft reflection at almost any time to at least 200km. Of course it is useful for local QSOs too. In all, it is a great band to be enjoyed all year around and at any time in the sunspot cycle.  In the quieter years it behaves more like a VHF band but not completely so with F2 still possible. Es seems to enliven the band for quite a bit of the year too. Another bonus is that antennas are small.   Please, never give up on this splendid band.

UPDATE 2100z: There is still 10m Es and 10m F2 propagation.  PT2WWV (8873km) has recently spotted my 2W WSPR (2050z) at a very strong -9dB S/N.

Yaesu launch FT991 in Japan

Ever alert Steve G1KQH has spotted that Yaesu launched the new FT991 at the Tokyo Ham Fair in Japan as a replacement for the FT897D. See http://qrznow.com/yaesu-ft-991/ .

This looks a very neat, small, multi-band, multi-frequency rig, as long as the price is sensible. In Jaoan, they usually sell a QRP version too. It would be good to see a 20-30W version in Europe too. This would compete well with the (now stopped) IC703 rig by ICOM.
The image is linked from the http://qrznow.com/yaesu-ft-991/ site. The image is NOT resident on this site. Please follow the link for details of this rig. I have no further details.

There is no sign of a replacement for the FT817ND rig. I think Yaesu must have abandoned plans, which is a shame.

10m in good shape yet again

Today Es has been good again on 10m. FR1GZ (9724km) was spotted this morning and PT2WWV (8873km) was by spotted by F2 several times already by WSPR.  I have been monitoring 10m most of the day and will continue this evening.

Sunspot count is a decent 124 and 20-30MHz propagation is "normal". I was NOT surprised to see PT2WWV a little while ago by F2.

I have been spotted by several stations around Europe today (Es). Today seems like another excellent day on 10m WSPR.

UPDATE 1945z:  Still plenty of Es about on 10m WSPR.

23 Aug 2014

10m F2 again this evening

Recent 10m WSPR spots
Right on schedule PT2WWV (8873km) was spotted 4 times (already) after tea today on 10m WSPR (1904-1928z).  I think this is pure F2, but there is an outside chance it is Es and F2 combined (first hop Es then F2) as EA5CYA was also putting in an appearance by Es on 10m WSPR. Conditions on 10m have been good N-S of late.

UPDATE 1945z: PT2WWV again spotted. Plenty of 10m Es too.

UPDATE 2020z: PT2WWV has been spotted 9 times already by 2012z.

UPDATE 2115z: PT2WWV has been spotted 14 times so far this evening here and he has spotted my 2W already 3 times. I am afraid that 630m (472kHz) has been abandoned for a few nights whilst 10m is so good. 10m WSPR will be left running during the night.


Sunspot count today is 139 (good) and 20-30MHz propagation is "normal" so there is a fair chance of F2 today on 10m.

10m Es today

The main (N. Hemisphere) months for Es are May, June and July but Es has been good on 10m right through August and I suspect September will still be quite good on 10m. Actually, I suspect 10m Es will be present probably every week throughout the year but at a much lower level.  If stations "stick with" 10m into the quieter months, I suspect far more openings will be detected than in the past. Of course this coming autumn, winter and spring we'll still have F2 to enjoy, probably to all parts of the world on 10m.

22 Aug 2014

10m F2 this afternoon/evening

Not unexpectedly, FR1GZ (9724km) was spotted here by 10m WSPR at 1520z. I was expecting to spot him earlier. OK2SAM (1283km) has been spotted by Es many times this afternoon. LU7YW is on and may spot me later with luck. He seems to be RX only.

UPDATE 1925z:   PT2WWV (8873km) was spotted by F2 3 times after teatime. He has spotted my 2W once.

UPDATE 1940z: As 10m is still open to South America, I have decided to stick with the 10m band and NOT move to 472kHz until later tonight, if at all.

UPDATE 2105z:  PT2WWV (8873km) is still coming through at 2056z. He has spotted me 5 times and I have spotted him 14 times this evening so far. I suspect the band will be open a while longer. There is still a lot of Es around too. Today 10m has been very good.

LNR Precision 5 band HF transceiver - the LD-5

Steve G1KQH has found a link to this new transceiver https://www.facebook.com/pages/LnR-Precision-Inc/229134337165152?hc_location=timeline. It looks a bit like the Elecraft KX3 but I hope it is much less expensive as it only covers 5 bands on TX.
LNR are the people that make the Par line of antennas now. They hope to start taking orders in September. Apparently they had quality issues in China with the 4-band version.

10m, 6m, 630m (472kHz ) WSPR

Overnight, I was on 472kHz but spots (given and received) were from people I'd seen before. No new reports/reporters. After a very brief pause on 6m (just G4IKZ spotting me at 18km) I have now settled on 10m for the day. EA5CYA (1376km) was spotted at 0940z and 0954z by Es. Otherwise quiet so far.

Sunspot count today is 128 (decent) and 20-30MHz propagation is "good".  I think today it is likely we'll see F2 propagation on 10m WSPR today as long as there are WSPR stations active in the right places.
UPDATE 1035z: EA5CYA still there on 10m Es.

UPDATE 1206z : The 10m Es opening is now quite widespread with several different central and eastern European countries in evidence.

UPDATE 1256z:  The 10m Es opening seems to be towards Scandinavia now with spots from SM67464 and LB9YE.

UPDATE 1315z:   OZ7IT and I are exchanging 10m WSPR spots.

21 Aug 2014

Back on 472kHz again

Since about 1930z I have been on 472kHz WSPR using the strapped feeders to my V2000 VHF/UHF vertical and 2m halo. So far just the usual suspects spotted and spotting me i.e. no-one new.

It is likely that in the next week my amateur radio operation will be compromised as we'll have grandchidren here and their parents. For some of the time my shack will be a bedroom. I shall try to run 472kHz WSPR until Tuesday if I can. 10m by day and MF evenings and overnight.
472kHz unique WSPR spots in the last hour.

10m - closed now?

It is now 1857z and there has been no Es here now for over an hour. In the periods I was monitoring 10m, no F2 propagation was spotted. No GDX seen either in the last few hours.

I will QSY to 472kHz shortly I think.

I was thinking of buying a dedicated 10m rig, but unless my voice rapidly soon improves  (SSB, FM and AM are hard work for me because of my stroke) this is probably a waste of money at the moment. For now I shall stick with 2-5W on digital modes, which I can manage with the FT817 rig. JT65 and JT9-1 are my best bets. PSK31 is quite hard as it requires (near) real-time keyboard skills. I rather dislike PSK31 with macros -  you can usually tell when someone is using macros - I much prefer real QSOs. At least JT65 and JT9-1 use very formulaic formats for minimal data QSOs. QSOs are very very basic, but for me this helps at the moment. One reason I enjoy WSPR is it tells you about conditions on a given band and once set up, it just runs with minimal intervention. Some will (rightly) say it is computers talking to computers. At the moment, this is close to what I need. JT65 and JT9-1 are proper 2-way modes.

New band tried with "compromise" antenna.

This afternoon I tried 80m WSPR with the "compromise" antenna (V2000  + 2m halo with strapped feeders) with some success. On 80m I copied M0BLP and PA0WMR although there were very few stations active. I was not copied by anyone. I was going to try 160m but decided there was too little activity.

Later I used 40m and 20m with the Par end-fed.  On 40m, just one transmission resulted in 10 spots in 7 countries. The next transmission resulted in not a single report, probably because I was sitting on the frequency of a very strong station who was TXing at the time?

I later returned to 10m, and spotted EA5CYA (1376km) and LZ1OI (2145km) by Es around teatime. The Spanish station was pretty strong but the LZ was much weaker.

Sunspots and 10m

Current sunspot count is 89 with 20-30MHz propagation "normal". There may be some 10m F2 around on 10m today.  Just QSYing to 10m WSPR now.

Although there will still be 10m Es propagation, I doubt it will be as good as in May, June and July.

UPDATE 1130z:  Already 10m has been open by Es WSPR to CT1JTQ (1843km) and SI9AM (1503km) as well as GDX to G4HZW (209km). Not a bad start and it is not even lunchtime yet.

472kHz WSPR - overnight again

At the moment I am still on 472kHz WSPR having kept the WSPR running through the night. Same stations in the logs - no new reporters sadly - and again GM4SLV (896km) is still giving me daylight spots. Currently I am using the V2000 VHF/UHF vertical and 2m halo both with strapped feeders as my "compromise" 472kHz antenna. Ground is mains earth plus one shortish radial with single ground stake. I may give this antenna a try on 160m and 80m, just for fun.

These are the results in the last hour on 472kHz:
Recent 472kHz WSPR spots
Later I shall QSY to 10m as daytime 472kHz activity is very low.

20 Aug 2014

Spoiling the natural environment, or not?

The beautiful Kingsbridge Estuary
The petition to NOT allow water skiing in the Kingsbridge Estuary is gathering momentum. The last time I looked there were 851 supporters of the "no" vote. If you want to support the campaign, then go to the link and vote. The more people who support the "no" campaign, the better chances we have of preventing this precious habitat and SSSI being ruined forever.

UPDATE 2015z:  856 votes now.  Keep voting!

Back on 472kHz WSPR

After a brief foray on 6m WSPR, I have returned to 472kHz WSPR now. Antenna current is higher than last night (on the V2000 and halo with strapped feeders) and the only difference is the weather. I assumes the ground is wetter. So far, the usual stations although PA3TKF (286km) was a new station to spot earlier, bringing me up to 20 unique spots this summer. Again, I am sure that I should be able to copy lots more stations and they spot me too.


As I knew G3ZJO and G0LRD were both active on 2m WSPR this morning, I ventured onto 144.492MHz USB dial on 2m. I was immediately rewarded with a spot of G3ZJO (79km). During the morning G0LRD (25km) has spotted me multiple times and I have spotted Eddie, G3ZJO, three times now. Interestingly, Eddies signal was accompanied by up to 6 aircraft Doppler shifted signals. His signal decoded far fewer times than he was visible.
G3ZJO (79km) non-decoding 2m WSPR signals with lots of aircraft Doppler.
In the UK and Europe 144.492MHz USB dial is the frequency of choice, NOT the frequency recommended.  I believe some in Europe have birdie problems on the recommended frequency.

19 Aug 2014

Different 472kHz antenna

Since about 1838z I have been using the strapped feeders to my triband VHF/UHF vertical and halo as my 472kHz antenna.
472kHz WSPR unique spots (of me) so far this summer
Antenna is higher than the Par triband HF antenna with strapped feeder but the antenna current is about the same. If the effective height is a bit higher (it should be) then ERP should be higher too. Initial results suggest in some directions it is down on the earth-electrode antenna but I do seem to be getting more spots at each transmission than on the earth-electrode or Par antennas. G4VJF(151km) is a totally new reporter tonight bringing the number of spots of my 472kHz WSPR this summer up to 16 now.
UPDATE 2032z:   29 active stations on 472kHz this evening.

UPDATE 2044z:   Now 34 active stations on 472kHz.

UPDATE 2055z:   Currently getting about 4 spots per transmission on 472kHz.

UPDATE 2145z:   Now 38 active stations on 472kHz. Will leave 472kHz WSPR running through the night to see how latest (compromise) antenna performs.

Sunspots today

Sunspot numbers are down a bit at 92 (disturbed) and 20-30MHz forecast is just "fair". I think it is unlikely we'll see F2 propagation on 10m today, but you never know on 10m.

Yet again, there seem to be few stations at F2 ranges active on 10m WSPR today. At the time of writing (1302z) there are 32 stations active worldwide on 10m WSPR. FR1GZ is on and he is at classic F2 range.

472kHz WSPR - more on the earth-electrode antenna

Overnight I continued using the earth-electrode antenna on 472kHz. I don't think it is any better than the short Marconi, but it certainly works pretty well, even with a short baseline of less than 15m.
Unique 472kHz WSPR spots this summer on TX
The number of unique spots of my 472kHz WSPR signal has now reached 15 and I have spotted 19 unique stations with my best DX being DH5RAE (995km) using the earth-electrode antenna last night.
Unique 472kHz WSPR spots this summer on RX
The earth-electrode antenna seems far more directional. Several stations orthogonal to the system did NOT copy me (or me them) overnight.

18 Aug 2014

ERPs on 472kHz

I am pretty confident of my "just less than 5mW ERP" on 472kHz (with the very short Marconi) and am a bit suspicious of the claimed ERPs of some stations,, which, judging by the reports exchanged, may be lower than some people think. I think a lot more stations are less than 500mW ERP than they think. Perhaps losses are much higher than they think?

472kHz - earth electrode antenna

Since about 1930z I have been using the (short) earth-electrode antenna on 472kHz.  Baseline is at most 15m, probably less and it runs roughly E-W.  On RX I am seeing F5WK (436km) for the first time and reports exchanged (both ways) with G3WCB (101km) seem to be slightly stronger. Semi-local G0LRD (25km) is spotting me at much the same strength.  PA3ABK/2 is similar on the earth-electrode antenna and the Marconi.   I have yet to spot or be spotted by other stations.

I am matching the loop with a tapped 3C90 transformer and a few turns on a 110mm diameter former, although the Q is so low that this coil is probably not necessary. Antenna current is about 0.4 that with the "short" Marconi vertical. It is probably acting as a loop and I have still to try to work out the ERP.  At this QTH, the earth-electrode antenna looks like a higher resistance than at the old QTH, hence the need for a step-up transformer between transverter and "antenna". At some point, when fit again, I want to try a longer baseline earth electrode antenna and a better Marconi vertical. When fit again - oh please!

I suspect the earth-electrode antenna to be directional, so in some directions it may be better and others worse than the Marconi.  I'll leave it running overnight to see how results compare with the very short Marconi. I suspect results will be worse overall on the earth-electrode antenna, but I may be surprised.

Sunspots today

Sunspot count today is 111 and the 20-30MHz propagation forecast is "normal".

No F2 DX was seen when I was monitoring 28.078MHz JT9-1 all afternoon, although I would expect there to have been F2 propagation on 10m. V53ARC was copied in by CT1JTQ in Portugal on WSPR several times, but not further north as far as I know.

472kHz WSPR this afternoon

After an afternoon monitoring JT9-1 on 10m this afternoon, I have returned to 472kHz WSPR.  To my surprise, at the time I switched on I find I am the only station in the world transmitting on 472kHz WSPR.  Hopefully, this will soon change. G0LRD has already spotted me though.

UPDATE 1605z: Still the only station TXing WSPR on the band but there are now 9 stations monitoring (was 7).

UPDATE 1611z:   Still just me on TX and now only 3 stations monitoring.
UPDATE 1636z:   Just spots from G0LRD so far.

UPDATE 1655z: All spots so far from G0LRD (25km) and I am still the only European TXing on 472kHz at this time.  Maybe more will appear after tea when people get back from work?

UPDATE 1730z:   M0PPP has now spotted me 3 times too. Now 3 Europeans on WSPR TX with 16 stations active (TX and monitoring).

Digital modes this morning

This morning I have been using digital modes JT65 and JT9-1.

I did see one station on JT9-1 on 10m but it did not decode, so I have been on 20m where I've had some success, albeit around Europe.  As well as using WSJTX for QSOs, I'm also monitoring who is copying me with PSK Reporter on JT65 and JT9-1 modes. So far, I have just been seen around Europe today.

So far, solid 5W QSOs with EA7AH (JT9-1) and IW4DBY (JT65) both on 20m.  Presently, I am monitoring 10m JT9-1 but no stations received here over lunchtime.

I may go back to 10m WSPR shortly.

472kHz WSPR "uniques"

472kHz unique stations reporting me this summer so far on WSPR.
My "scores" have now gone up to 16 unique station WSPR reports given and 14 unique station WSPR reports received so far this summer. The latest was Richard G4KPX on both 472kHz WSPR RX and TX.  He is a local (14km) and I thought he'd already seen me on 472kHz, but this must have been on 10m. Richard uses an indoor 472kHz loop on both RX and TX and 1mW ERP. There are some decent ranges here on both TX and RX.  GM4SLV must have a nice low noise RX set-up as he misses very little.
472kHz unique stations copied on WSPR so far this summer.

17 Aug 2014

JT65 and JT9-1

Tomorrow, I may give these modes a better go. In recent days I have reverted to WSPR (which I can monitor in the lounge) but feel the urge for more 2-way QSOs, which is very hard on SSB and CW currently as a result of my stroke.  Hopefully my normal voice will gradually return.  At the moment speaking is very tiring as I get breathless. and forming words is hard going.   CW is also not so easy.  JT65 and JT9-1 are perhaps the best 2-way modes for me right now. They require limited keyboard skills which I can manage.

472kHz WSPR - early evening

Since returning from our younger son and family in Kent, I have turned on 472kHz WSPR both TX and RX. Just some of the regulars on. Otherwise pretty quiet this evening. These are the spots in the first 40 minutes or so.
Early evening on 472kHz WSPR

Largely non-radio day

Son and grandson outside their home.
Although I shall probably go on 472kHz WSPR shortly, today has been a day largely without radio: we went on a train day return to Canterbury to see our son Chris and family. We have done this now 3 times and get about 4 hours with them. It was good.

15th station seen on 472kHz WSPR

No new stations spotting me overnight but I did spot my 15th unique station this summer DJ0ABR (983km) which is a new distance record for me this summer.

16 Aug 2014

472kHz WSPR - immediate success

Since QSYing down to 472kHz WSPR, the reports have been flooding in, even though ERP is less than 5mW.  These are the initial spots since going on to MF.  Note yet again the daylight spots from GM4SLV (896km) way up in Shetland. No totally new reporters yet, but maybe tonight?
UPDATE 1925z:   G8AGN has been spotted as the 14th unique station seen this summer at around -21/-22dB S/N.
14 unique 472kHz WSPR stations received this summer so far
UPDATE 2035z:   Currently 29 stations active on 472kHz WSPR. Hopeful of being spotted by new stations tonight.

10m WSPR - for a little longer still?

It has been very quiet now on 10m WSPR since 1328z when LA3ZA was last coming in here via Es. Apart from local G4KPX, the band has been very quiet on WSPR.  I even checked the gear was working as it seemed too quiet.

I shall stick with 10m until about 1830z, then QSY down to 472kHz again. Currently there are more active stations on 472kHz (22) than on 28MHz/10m (15). Of course these numbers can rapidly alter and http://wsprnet.org/drupal/wsprnet/activity only shows stations spotting in the last 10 minutes, so if you hit a quiet patch, you appear to disappear.

F2 will be hard to see with WSPR as there are so few active stations where they need to be - just 2 in the USA and 1 in South America only. Without stations at F2 ranges on WSPR, WSPR rather loses its point. No F2 seen here on WSPR today, but that may be down to an absence of WSPR stations rather than conditions.

Why do so many stay on 30m (68 active) or 20m (104 active)?  Operating on these bands teaches us very little indeed. Operating on the higher HF bands and 6m teaches us a lot about fleeting openings and propagation. In recent days there has been evidence of MS on 10m WSPR. It tells us a lot about 10m/6m GDX too.

See http://wsprnet.org/drupal/wsprnet/activity .

UPDATE 1606z:  The number of active 10m WSPR stations has now jumped to 22 with 7 in the USA.

UPDATE 1636z:  As it is so dead on 10m, I am going to QSY to 472kHz immediately.

UPDATE 1640z:  Now QSYed to 472kHz WSPR.

Hamspots - a useful resource

See http://hamspots.net/3bjt/ .

A little while back someone introduced me to Hamspots which is a sort of  filtered spotting system for digital modes. You can chose how many bands to monitor and the modes, Very useful to see JT65 and JT9-1 activity on, say, 20, 10 and 6m.

10m Es - GM4AOS

The latest station to be spotted on 10m WSPR is GM4OAS (653km) at -22dB S/N at 1314z using 5W. Apart from the GM, there has been nothing since SI9AM at 1212z. No Es and no F2. I am still on the lookout for real DX on 10m.

10m 200mW

Interestingly, both LA3ZA and SI9AM are using just 200mW on 10m yet they are both coming through fine here on 10m WSPR. SI9AM is a few dB stronger than LA3ZA, which I assume is propagation. I use 2W as my Par end-fed antenna seems to be somewhat of a compromise. I don't want to take it down as it get me on several other bands too.

UPDATE 1200z:  Still waiting for that elusive F2 propagation.  The ZS is not currently listed in the 23 active stations.