11 Jul 2014

10m - evening Es and F2

10m was open this evening for Es around Spain and N. Africa with WSPR spots exchanged with several stations in Spain and SWL reports from 3VSWL (1845km) in Tunisia.

Also audible at 2044z and 2130z was CX2ABP (11127km) in Montevideo - very late. These are the 9th and 10th spots of this station today. I just wonder if we are seeing an Es opening to Spain linking up with an F2 opening nearer to the equator? Or is this just pure F2?

UPDATE 2156z:  EA5CYA still being spotted here strongly at -10dB S/N on 10m WSPR.

UPDATE 2212z: Being spotted strongly by EA2CNU as late as 2204z. Just off to bed now.  I shall leave the 10m WSPR kit running overnight.

EA5CYA - teatime Es on 10m WSPR

Since 1626z EA5CYA has been coming in via Es at a reasonable level for his 200mW.  I suspect there will be further Es spots this evening. It has been rather quiet on 10m Es today so far.

CX2ABP - 7 times so far this afternoon

CX2ABP (11127km) has been spotted here seven times since lunch so far. Rodolpho is using 2W but is a very consistent signal with me. He has one of the best signals from South America. Not sure what antenna he uses?

UPDATE 1645z: CX2ABP has now been spotted 9 times this afternoon. Conditions N-S on 10m are good today.

10m F2 propagation this morning. GDX this afternoon

FR1GZ (9724km) was spotted several times on 10m WSPR around 0930-1000z this morning.

Sunspot count is 159 (good) and 20-30MHz propagation "good",which is probably why FR1GZ was putting in an appearance today.   

EA5CYA was spotted (by Es) at 1118z and LB9YE at 1156z.

Also spotted were local G4KPX and more distant G6NHU (78km).

In terms of GDX, 10m seems better than 6m. Es is also better on 10m and there is still F2 around on 10m, which is all but absent, from here at least, on 6m. If I had to choose between the two bands, 10m would be my favourite. At the moment I am enjoying both bands.

UPDATE  1445z:  Best DX spot is of CX2ABP (11127km) by F2. Best GDX spot is of G8JNJ/A (184km). The best spot of my 2W ERP is from G3JKV (123km). Lots of spots exchanged with local Richard G4KPX (14km). who lives in Ely.

10 Jul 2014

10m GDX and Es

My PC was doing odd things again earlier - said WSPR was TXing when it was not - but restarted WSPR software and all OK now.

G8JNJ/A (184km) GDX and EA5CYA (1376km) via Es (twice)  seen here in last hour.  The long F2 DX to South America seems to have gone now?  I love 10m -  a band of true variety and not hard in any way. My antenna is a 3 band Par end-fed 10/20/40m just strung to a nearby tree and not that high. On 10m I am currently using 2.5W from the FT817. The cable loss take this down to about 2W (max) at the antenna. This seems to get out fine. I am sure with a more efficient antenna just a few mW would be enough, although 5mW to this antenna has got spots from Israel and 100mW from the USA. Maybe it is somewhat directional?

At the moment my TX is only active 6% of the time on 10m. I am mostly on RX.

UPDATE 2030z:  Nothing further heard from CX2ABP in Montevideo since late afternoon.  He is using 10W, so if the 10m band is open, I would expect to copy him.  G8JNJ/A (184km GDX) has now been copied several times already this evening at up to -22dB S/N. Not strong, but there.

UPDATE 2112z:  G6NHU (78km 100mW) has been copied at -24dB S/N from JO01ou. Just a local and GDX currently.

UPDATE 2128z: Just when you think that is it for the evening up pops EA5CYA at 2118z at -21dB S/N and again at 2126z. So there is still Es around. even this late. I shall reset the software and clock and leave the kit running on 10m overnight.

UPDATE 2204z: G6NHU and EA5CYA are still being spotted.

Free Microsoft eBooks

Steve G1KQH has again passed on some data, this time about free eBooks from Microsoft.

The collection covers Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Office 2013, Office 365, Office 2010, SharePoint 2013, Dynamics CRM, PowerShell, Exchange Server, Lync 2013, System Center, Azure, Cloud, SQL Server, and much more.

I am just acting as postman here as I have not read any of them.

Again, my thanks to Steve for finding these.  See Eric Lygman's blog which has more details.

10m WSPR

As 6m was looking pretty quiet, I decided to QSY down to 10m at around 1500z. Within a few minutes CX2ABP (11127km) was being spotted (F2 propagation) at -22dB S/N. 10m is in decent shape. So far, CX2ABP has been spotted 5 times in the last hour. Best report is -15dB S/N with his 10W.  He has yet to spot me, as has anyone else on 10m.

6m this morning

A quiet morning so far on 6m with a little GDX but no Es seen yet. M0EMM (192km) has exchanged spots with me around 1118z. Also local G4IKZ (18km). Otherwise quiet.

Conditions 20-30MHz are described as "good" with sunspots 183 with blackouts. Maybe I'll QSY to 10m later unless 6m improves?

9 Jul 2014

6m - Es today

The 2 spots of me by 9H5G (2116km) on 6m WSPR mid-afternoon appear to be the only Es seen on 6m here today. There may have been Es earlier but I was out and did not have the rigs turned on. Since 1544z, I have been copied by local G4IKZ (18km) only.  My best reception was of G4NRG (58km).

Do I stick with 6m WSPR tonight?

University of Liverpool on-line courses

Very many years ago (1967-1970) I was an undergraduate student studying Electronics at the University of Liverpool.  Since those days, the Department has become heavily involved with on-line learning as reported by the Southgate Amateur Radio News page. This course could suit someone needing a grounding in electronics. I think there is some (easy-ish) maths. To do the honours degree course we had to do maths to degree level. I found this very hard.

Proving how small the world is, one of our close friends in the village is the brother of my personal tutor at university. The brother is now a visiting professor at Liverpool. I believe my old tutor still works at the university as an emeritus professor.

A new Massive Open On-line Course (MOOC) covers Analogue/Digital Electronics, AC/DC Circuits, Electromechanics and an introduction to C programming.
Over the last few months here at Liverpool we have been putting together a MOOC (Massive Open On-line Course) which introduces aspects of electrical engineering. The course starts in September, but you can sign up now. It's free and there are no gimmicks.

The link to the MOOC info is here: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/electrify
Any ideas on how to make this course better are welcome.

Matt O’Rourke
MOOC developer
Liverpool University On-line Electrical Engineering Course