5 Nov 2008

Sunspots are GO

At last there are really clear signs that cycle 24 is on its way at last. It may be a few months before the rising sunspot count and flux levels start to be noticed in significantly better conditions on 10,12 and 15m but this time NEXT year the HF bands will be real fun again. CQWW contest in 2009 is likely to be a very different contest on 10m.

See http://www.dxlc.com/solar/images/solar.gif

29 Oct 2008

OK0EMW beacon on 505kHz

The OK0EMW beacon on 505kHz was audible last night just slightly LF of the DI2AM beacon and visible as a QRSS trace on a waterfall display. This is the first time I have positively identified this signal which is a new country for me on 500kHz listening.

Work on my 500kHz QRP TX has now started, so I hope to have a few mW ERP on the band within a few weeks.

27 Oct 2008

M0KHW was 579 on 502kHz

Ken, M0KHW in Luton was a solid 579 on CW this evening at 1735 when calling CQ on 502.4kHz with 90mW ERP. I did not hear him get any replies though.

26 Oct 2008

G3XIZ on 502kHz RTTY

Using my old pocket PC next to the IC703's LS with Pocket Digi software running I am getting very good copy of G3XIZ over in Biggleswade on 502kHz RTTY. He is only running 250mW to an inverted L antenna. Currently he's sending a list of NoV holders.

25 Oct 2008

CQWW SSB contest - 10m poor so far

Listening on 10m this morning in the CQWW DX contest it sounds a bit marginal with just weakish stations from across Europe audible plus a few Russians and 4X4s. Worked with my QRP EC7AKV, 9A5D, G2F, G0AEV (in Wiltshire by groundwave). Conditions on 10m were even worse after lunch so I called it a day and went out instead. SUNDAY UPDATE - sounds pretty dead on 10m so far apart from G stations plus tropo to ON, PA and MS pings from further Europeans.

These have been the poorest CQWW SSB contest conditions for many years. Next October just has to be better, HI.

23 Oct 2008

Main G3XBM webpages updated

http://www.g3xbm.co.uk has been updated tonight to include the FETer 14 parts 80m QRP rig and to add information about my start on 500kHz transmitting.

SAQ 17.2kHz VLF - testing Oct 24th

There is to be a transmission with the VLF Alexanderson alternator transmitter in Sweden on United Nations Day (Oct 24th 2008) at 09:30 UTC. Start up and tuning from about 09:00 UTC.

This is a good opportunity to try out VLF converters.

22 Oct 2008

500kHz band - my plans

As I've a very small garden and don't like antenna "monsters" which upset neighbours, I'd like to see what results can be achieved on 500kHz with my 15m long wire and a few watts of RF applied to it. So, my next project is a VFO controlled 500kHz TX running a few watts and a simple 500kHz ATU. If I can work 30 miles or so I'd be thrilled to bits.

21 Oct 2008

500kHz band QRP QSO tonight

This evening I made my very first QSO transmitting on 502kHz with my NoV. My TX was unusual: an old Farnell LFM4 audio/LF generator tuned to 502kHz putting out just 20mW with a morse key in the RF output lead then crudely matched with a ferrite rod matching network to my 15m long end-fed wire and central heating ground.

Only a few microwatts would have been radiated but 2 miles away the signal was copied weakly, but solidly, by M0BXT. My signal was slightly chirpy. Listening to the signal on our 50.55MHz talkback link it sounded a decent, solid, signal.

A small 501kHz 1W output transmitter simply matched (i.e. no huge low loss coils wound on dustbins!) to even a short length of wire inconspicuously strung down the garden is likely to give quite solid contacts on normal speed CW out to several miles. Using modes like QRSS there is no doubt that such a (low tech) station and antenna would be able to span much greater distances.

Incidentally, the SK6RUD beacon on 500.3kHz was a good signal this evening.

Best DX yet with the FETer 14 parts transceiver

This morning managed a QSO with Dom M1KTA at 18kms on 80m with the FETer ultra-simple transceiver (1 FET - 18mW and regen RX). Dom was perfect copy on the regen RX when running 500mW to his FT817. Another 10dB lower would have been OK. Dom is no CW expert and I am grateful for his perseverance. See Dom's blog at http://www.m1kta-qrp.blogspot.com/

A sked last night with Richard G3CWI "up north" failed though: Richard was a good signal on the regen RX but could not hear my 18mW.

So far, there are 4 two-way QSOs with 3 different stations in the log now with the ultra-simple FETer transceiver (see http://g3xbm-qrp.blogspot.com/2008/10/2nd-qso-with-feter-80m-micro-rig.html)