20 Oct 2024

8m QRP FT8 (Sunday)

 On the "old" PC I seem to be getting less out on 8m FT8 from the FT817ND despite a low SWR and the power slider on WSJT-X being at maximum. So the output is probably 2W or less to the dipole. 

Despite this, it is being spotted by EA8DJR (2994km) in the Canary Is. I called him, but he failed to hear me. I suspect this is F2 rather than Es propagation. With me he is very strong. I was quite surprised to spot him on 40.680 MHz FT8 this morning.

UPDATE 1002z:  He called and we worked. EA8JF (2832km) has also spotted me on 8m FT8.

UPDATE 1013z:  Now also spotted strongly by EA8RH (3029km). F2 (I guess) is good on 8m this morning.

UPDATE 1038z:  With stations in Italy and Spain being granted amateur radio access to the 8m band activity seems to have increased. I just wish more PTTs would see the value.

UPDATE 1206z:   G4KFI (60km) spotted. I think my QRP is too weak for him to spot me. I think we are cross polarised, so on inter-G this is probably very important.

UPDATE 1243z:  UW8SM (1751km) spotted. I think this station is genuine.

UPDATE 1255z:  4 stations have spotted me today. See map.

UPDATE 1424z: 
 Spotted in Denmark on QRP 8m FT8 earlier. As conditions seem quite good, I wonder if I shall be spotted "across the pond" on 8m QRP FT8 today? UPDATE MONDAY:  No.

UPDATE 1800z:  CX3DMP (11112km) spotted as well as stations in the Canary Is, Italy Ukraine, UK and Slovenia.

10m 500mW WSPR (Sunday)

 As my 10m antenna is available I am on 10m QRP WSPR with the signal being widely copied

UPDATE 1022z: Spotted by 14 stations. 

UPDATE 1112z: Spotted by 22 stations so far.

UPDATE  1410z:
Spotted by 42 stations today.
Map from WSPRrocks by Phil VK7JJ

UPDATE 1633z:  Spotted by 61 stations today on 10m QRP WSPR.

6m QRP FT8 (Sunday)

At the moment (Sunday morning) 6m seems wide open to many parts of Europe (Es?) with my 2.5W FT8  to the V2000 omni vertical being spotted by 27 stations across the continent. See map

CQWW contests in 2024?

This was, perhaps, the biggest set of contests in the world. Even without submitting a score, it gave many a chance to work new countries and US states. 

With the demise of CQ magazine, it is not clear what the situation is in 2024. Looking at the website, you could be forgiven for thinking it is still on. However, that information may have been put up ages ago, before the magazine closed. 

This is one of my pet hates - not knowing the date the webpages were updated, but that is a different story.

If anyone can tell me if it is on or off, please let me know.

10m 500mW WSPR yesterday

When I am on 6m, I keep forgetting that the 10m antenna is free and available.  Last evening I remembered so I went on 10m QRP WSPR with my beacon. The spots were as shown in the table.

6m QRP FT8 yesterday

At about 1650z yesterday, I decided to try 6m FT8 with my 2.5W using the "old" PC.  Just G spots from local(ish) stations. Later, stations in Denmark and Sweden spotted me. In all, 15 stations spotted me. See map.

Sunspots- Sunday October 20th

 Solar flux is 162 and the SSN 101. A=23 and K=1.

19 Oct 2024

QDX and QMX+ issues

 With the "other" Windows 10 PC, everything seems to work on RX, but even though the QDX goes to TX there is no RF being sent. Also, I get a "rig control error" going to TX even though the CAT works and it is "seeing" the QDX. As far as I can see, everything is correctly set and I tried a power cycle on the QDX before starting the PC.  It should not be this hard.

Going back to the SignaLink USB and FT817ND I get no issues at all with the "old" PC. For now, I give up.

8m QRP FT8 (Saturday)

 My 2.5W 8m FT8 is on again. No spots, although I see far more stations are now monitoring the band.

UPDATE 1513z:  G4FKI
(60km) and IZ1DYE (973km) spotted on 8m FT8 RX although nobody has spotted my 2.5W yet. The map shows the stations monitoring 8m FT8.

UPDATE 1609z: PJ4MM (7483km) spotted on 8m FT8 RX.

Detecting life in outer space - NOT amateur radio

As far as I know SETI, the search for intelligent life in outer space, has been going for about 60 years without success. 

According to a link in Amateur Radio Weekly there may be another technique. If we find intelligent life "out there" it could/should have a profound effect on life on Earth. 

Excuse the journalism in the link!