19 Mar 2022

Component supplier

This supplier used to attend rallies, but can no longer travel from their home in Cumbria. They are retiring. They still have some components left.

See http://www.harrisonelectronics.co.uk/

10m FT8 RX

It is now 0804z and I have been on 10m FT8 RX for about 30 minutes. So far 35 stations have been spotted. The band seems wide open. 

UPDATE 1204z:   344 spots so far today on 10m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1606z:   815 stations spotted on 10m FT8 RX. A great day on 10m.

UPDATE 1830z:   1066 stations spotted today.  A great day on 10m FT8 RX. QRT soon.

Red-legged partridges - NOT amateur radio

We used to see these handsome birds regularly in our garden, but I have not seen them for a while. They were introduced over a century ago to this country. 

Sunspots - Saturday March 19th 2022

Solar flux is 98 and the SSN 27.  A=4 and K=0.

18 Mar 2022

Yaesu FT-747

This was an HF 100W transceiver that dates from the early 1990s. I owned one for a few years, but never warmed to it. It had a metallised plastic case which was Yaesu's attempt to save money. It was sold a few years later, although I cannot remember to whom.

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/hf-mf-and-lf/commercial-rigs/yaesu-ft747 .

Looking back, it was one of the HF rigs I liked the least.

Wymondham - NOT amateur radio

Some of my wife's ancestors lived here in the 1800s before moving to industrial Sheffield - what a shock that must have been! We went there today by train. 

10m FT8 QRP (Friday)

Starting at about 0645z, I have been on 10m FT8 with 2.5W TX initially (no spots), but now RX only (just 1 G spotted). PSKreporter seems to be working at the moment.

UPDATE 0707z:  5 stations spotted with stations in the Far East coming through.

UPDATE 0758z: 40 stations spotted on 10m FT8 RX. 

UPDATE 2055z: 
 845 stations spotted.

Sunspots - Friday March 18th 2022

Solar flux is 103 and the SSN 53. A=6 and K=1.

17 Mar 2022

First proper grass cut - NOT amateur radio

Although I cut our 2 lawns a few days ago with the blades set very high, today was the first proper cut this year.  Spring is here .... and the weekly cuts!  😒

After the heavy rain yesterday, today is sunny and mild.

DX maps

With PSKreporter not apparently working, I am looking for alternatives. At the minute, I am on DXmaps. I am still exploring and have not yet worked out how to search for FT8 stations and only on 10m.

See https://www.dxmaps.com/spots/mapg.php?Lan=E .