Regular blog readers may recall I want to design and make a very simple transceiver for 10m FT8, as 10m should soon be much better and less than 1W should enable DX QSOs with very simple antennas.
The photo shows the 10m
WISPY TX beacon.
Steve G1KQH told me of a good, low cost, source of the crystal needed. This is in the USA, so I ordered some and these have now left Heathrow, London, so they must have been in stock and sent by air. I have no idea if I will have to pay VAT or duty. I hope not.
As my fine motor skills are poorer since my 2013 stroke, I want to build this in parts, probably starting with the RX. Assuming this is OK I shall have a go at the TX, then combine as a transceiver. Being largely based on the 10m WSPR WISPY it should work.
UPDATE 1220z: Crystals have arrived from the USA in the post just now. No duty or VAT to pay. Just need to build now! Excellent.