19 Jan 2025

10m 500mW WSPR (Sunday)

My QRP WSPR beacon was turned on at about 0950z. No spots of me yet.

UPDATE 1047z:  Spots of me by EA8BFK (2880km) , EW1LN (1812km) and OH3FR (1756km).

UPDATE 1731z
:  Spotted by 28 stations so far today. Map courtesy of WSPRrocks by Phil VK7LL.

UPDATE 1905z:  The last spot of me was at 1818z so QRT soon.

Evil - NOT amateur radio

 With all that is happening in the world I can only conclude that evil is alive and well. We can argue about why it is there, but it IS there.  It would seem evil is part of the human condition.

Sunday plans

 At the moment my plans are to go on 10m QRP WSPR and 8m QRP FT8.

Sunspots - Sunday January 19th

 Solar flux is 222 and the SSN 128. A=10 and K=3.

18 Jan 2025

10m QRP FT8 (Saturday)

At about 1600z, I swapped to 10m QRP FT8 with my QMX+ rig.

UPDATE 1652z:  Spotted by 60 stations including many in the USA. In the last few minutes I have been spotted by ZD7GB (7607km).

UPDATE 2008z:
  Spotted by 102 stations. QRT now.

Our local windmill - NOT amateur radio

We are lucky to live right next door to a fully restored windmill. We can see it from the lounge and breakfast table. 

The windmill is part of our local museum, which is probably one of the best local museums in the whole country.

Wayback machine

Amateur Radio Weekly reminded me that the Wayback Machine has loads of stuff of relevance to radio amateurs. For those unfamiliar with this, the Wayback Machine archives old websites and much old material such as magazines.

8m QRP FT8 (Saturday)

As 6m FT8 was good, I decided to switch my QMX+  to 8m QRP FT8. The output on 40.680 MHz is about 2W.

UPDATE 1223z:  LX5JX (468km) has spotted me. I have spotted him too - with my deaf RX he must have been strong! Also spotted by a station in Austria.

UPDATE 1544z:   4 stations have spotted me with the furthermost HI0SDR (7062km).

Amaryllis - NOT amateur radio

The first amaryllis plant of this group has just come into flower. 

We had one much earlier that grew very tall. 

They are great fun.

6m QRP FT8 with the QMX+ (Saturday)

 My QRP gear was turned on at about 1015z. 

UPDATE  1027z:    8 stations have spotted me.