10 Jan 2025

LA fires - NOT amateur radio

The wildfires in Los Angeles look horrendous. It is so sad when whole districts are destroyed like this. On the whole, this was a natural disaster. 

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/cg7z9zjv90jt .

It makes me furious when Man causes destruction through wars that just aren't necessary such as in Gaza, Ukraine and Sudan. Surely, by now, you would think that we would have learnt from history. Obviously not.  Sadly, I can only conclude that Man really can be basically evil.

All we can do is to try is try to make the world a kinder and more compassionate place a step at a time.

Brrrr- NOT amateur radio

Today is the coldest day in the UK this winter. 

We have a hard frost and it is bitterly cold and icy, but we missed the snow.

Check the facts - NOT amateur radio

 It would appear if you have billions you can say almost anything, whether true or not, and get away with  it.

A plea - before opening mouth please, everyone, check what you say is factually correct.  People with even smaller brains may assume it is correct. This is how riots and wars often start.

10m 500mW WSPR TX (Friday)

My beacon was turned on at about 0942z. 

UPDATE 1515z: 
So far, spotted by 31 stations.

6m QRP FT8 (Friday)

My gear was turned on at about 0942z.  I am running just under 3W from the QMX+ to the V2000 vertical omni antenna.

UPDATE 1020z:  So far, spotted by 7 English stations.

Sunspots - Friday January 10th

 Solar flux is 162 and the SSN 126.  A=10 and K=1.

9 Jan 2025

10m QRP WSPR (Thursday)

 As my 10m antenna will be free, I intend later to turn on my 500mW stand-alone WSPR beacon later. Most USA stations start to spot me early afternoon.

UPDATE 1100z:   Turned on at about 1056z:  No spots at 1101z.

UPDATE 1219z:  Spotted by 11 stations.

Cambridge art gallery - NOT amateur radio


This was in a window yesterday.

6m QRP FT8 (Thursday)

Yesterday , my QRP 6m FT8 from the QMX+ was spotted in Canada for the first time in 2025, so I shall try again today.

UPDATE 1100z:   Turned on at about 1056z.  4 English spots of me so far this morning.

UPDATE 1643z:    15 spots of my 6m QRP FT8 today.  Nothing "across the pond" today! QRT soon.

Sunspots - Thursday January 9th

 Solar flux is 160 and the SSN 113. A=8 and K=2.