As my 10m antenna will be free, I intend later to turn on my 500mW stand-alone WSPR beacon later. Most USA stations start to spot me early afternoon.
UPDATE 1100z: Turned on at about 1056z: No spots at 1101z.
UPDATE 1219z: Spotted by 11 stations.
Simple QRP projects, 10m, 8m, 6m, 4m, FT8, 160m, WSPR, LF/MF, sub-9kHz, nanowaves and other random stuff, some not related to amateur radio.
As my 10m antenna will be free, I intend later to turn on my 500mW stand-alone WSPR beacon later. Most USA stations start to spot me early afternoon.
UPDATE 1100z: Turned on at about 1056z: No spots at 1101z.
UPDATE 1219z: Spotted by 11 stations.
My QRP beacon was turned on at about 0915z. No spots of me yet at 0929z.
Whilst on the 2m activity contest, I turned on the 10m QRP WSPR beacon. At 2047z, no stations had spotted me. I suspect I came on too late.
This is Church Lane in our village.