6 Nov 2024

10m QRP WSPR (Wednesday)

 Change of plan!  

For some reason my PC is not working with the SignaLink USB so I am just on QRP 10m WSPR TX.

UPDATE 1738z: 52 stations have spotted my QRP beacon.

Wednesday plans

Probably the same as yesterday. 10m QRP WSPR TX and QRP 8m FT8.

Sunspots - Wednesday November 6th

 Solar flux is 245 and the SSN 149. A=11 and K=3.

5 Nov 2024

2m activity contest (UKAC)

A reminder that the November 2m activity contest (UKAC) is on tonight starting at 2000z. Although I usually submit an entry, there is no need to do so. Many just come on to enjoy the activity. Because of my poor voice and low power I do not stop on long. 

See https://www.rsgbcc.org/cgi-bin/contest_rules.pl?year=2024&contest=2mukac .

UPDATE 2038z: 4 stations worked with my 10W and omni, then I stopped as it was too hard with my poor voice. Best DX was GW1YBB/P. I have no idea (yet) how far this was.

10m 500mW WSPR (Tuesday)

 My beacon is active.

UPDATE 1427z:  65 spots of me so far today. See table.

UPDATE 1534z:  75 stations have spotted my 10m QRP WSPR beacon today. Furthermost is F61694 (9729km) in the Indian Ocean.

8m FT8 RX (Tuesday)

 As I am out this morning, I am on 8m FT8 RX only at the moment.

UPDATE 1436z:   Now home I am on 8m QRP FT8 TX and looking for QSOs. Six stations have spotted me so far.  

UPDATE 1454z:  8 spots of my QRP 8m FT8.

Stations spotting me
today on QRP FT8 TX
UPDATE 2032z: 
11 stations spotted me today on 2.5W QRP 8m FT8 but no QSOs.

Autumn - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday we did a walk at nearby Anglesey Abbey. There are signs of autumn everywhere now. 

In many ways November is the dullest month with miserable days and few lights. At least after Christmas the days start to get longer and there are a few positive signs.

Sunspots - Tuesday November 5th

 Solar flux is 242 and the SSN 191. A=14 and K=1.

4 Nov 2024

The future of the 8m band

At the moment the 8m band is in great shape. We are around the sunspot maximum and 8m behaves like 10m quite often. 

8m is a great research band and it is a great pity more PTTs are not granting amateur radio access. Instead, in many countries  people have to pay to do research.

In a few years, the conditions will be very different.  Now is the best time to do propagation research.

Propaganda , ever so subtle - NOT amateur radio

You are probably unaware of just how subtly we are subject to propaganda. 

The "others" are always the "bad guys" and we are the "good". Actually, the truth is somewhere in between. Many times in history we have been the "bad guys". Remember we are subject to propaganda as well, although we may not realise it.

The answer is get your data from multiple sources, often with radically different ways of seeing a situation. In reality, the truth is an amalgamation of inputs from various sources. 

Don't believe at face value what you are being fed in the news.