28 Sept 2024

Sunspots - Saturday September 28th

 Solar flux is 186 and the SSN 122. A=6 and K=0.

27 Sept 2024

'Our' tree - NOT amateur radio

We keep an eye on this tree at Anglesey Abbey throughout the year. At the moment it is turning into its autumn colours. After a few weeks of strong winds, it will be bare until the spring.

10m 500mW WSPR (Friday)

 My 10m 500mW WSPT TX beacon was turned on at about 1630z.  EA8BFK (2880km) has spotted me.

UPDATE 2035z:  In the end 2 stations in the USA spotted me (see table).

Anglesey Abbey yesterday - NOT amateur radio


Yesterday we met some friends at Anglesey Abbey. There was rain overnight and rain this afternoon, but we chose a dry patch in between luckily.

Back on 8m

 My grandson helped me re-erect my 8m dipole. At about 1600z, I restarted my 40.680MHz 2.5W FT8.

Late swallow - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday as well as seeing a couple of house martins I saw a late swallow. 

This is probably the last I shall see until the spring. I am pretty sure this is the latest I have ever seen one up here in East Anglia.

Sunspots - Friday September 27th

 Solar flux is 181 and the SSN 169. A=13 and K=2.

Cyber attack? - NOT amateur radio

 I heard yesterday that all the major UK rail station WiFi systems had suffered what was thought to be a cyber attack. If these can be attacked what else could be done?

Autumn and winter project

During the dark evenings this autumn and winter I intend to update my PDF Project Scrapbook. There have been a few changes to rigs that I should include. Also, there is more to say about 8m and 23cm.

26 Sept 2024

6m QRP FT8 yesterday

Despite the main Es season being now well over, there is still some DX to be found. Yesterday with 2.5W FT8 my 6m signal was spotted in several places in mainland Europe. See map.  It is not the same as at the peak of the "season" yet monitoring can yield results.