22 Sept 2024

8m via my ATU

 Just now, I tried to match my V2000 vertical and 2m big-wheel antennas to 40.680MHz. My ATU is only supposed to work up to 30MHz. My efforts were unsuccessful. 

Hopefully my grandson will help me erect my 8m dipole. This needs a bit of ladder work (not high), but I am too wobbly for ladder work these days.

10m QRP FT8 (Sunday)

Although it is dull outside, the thunderstorms seem to have missed us by several hundred kilometres, so I am again on 10m FT8 with my 2.5W FT8. 

After just a few minutes, I am being spotted by 11 stations.

UPDATE 2014z:  
Spotted by 314 stations with the furthermost a station on the USA west coast. When 10m is good (as it is at the moment) just a few watts of FT8 seems quite enough. See map of stations spotting me mid afternoon on 10m QRP FT8. Now QRT.

Wise saying - NOT amateur radio

 Recently, I was told this. I think it is quite profound. 

Before we communicate with anyone, think (1) is it true?, (2) is it necessary?, (3) is it kind? If not, we better saying nothing at all.  TNK: true, necessary, kind.  Cruel words can hurt.

Lightning risk

 Today looks like a dull day with the risk of thunderstorms. At the moment I have heard no thunder but it is probably not a great idea to go on the radio.

8m with 10mW ERP under ISM rules

 In many countries stations may legally operate in the 8m ISM allocation with a limited ERP without a special permit or even a callsign. Several stations have tried this and been amazed. 

In the UK we are limited to 10mW ERP, but this is quite enough to make some great DX spots or even contacts if permitted on FT8. 

It is surprising that more have not tried this. In the end I remain surprised more PTTs have not permitted legal access by radio amateurs. Some enlightened administrations have.

Give it a go!!

Lesser Chirpy 10m QRP CW transceiver

This dates back to 2012, but represents a very simple transceiver circuit for 10m CW. Please treat it as a starting point for your own ideas. I was amazed how well such a simple circuit could work.

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/hf-mf-and-lf/homebrew/10m-lesser-chirpy .

Sunspots - Sunday September 22nd

 Solar flux is 158 and the SSN 117. A=6 and K=1.

21 Sept 2024

V2000 on 8m?

I have an QRP ATU that is supposed to go to 30MHz. Maybe it can be persuaded to go to 40.680MHz? Tomorrow I shall try it with my V2000 and 2m big-wheel antennas. You never know until you try. Even if it does match, I have no idea what the polar plot looks like.

Stick to the day job!! - NOT amateur radio

Our pear 🍐 crop this year is one tiny pathetic pear. 

To be fair, it was smothered by a neighbour’s honeysuckle that climbed over the fence. 

Actually the honeysuckle smelled wonderful.

Perhaps my wife should eat it as she likes conference pears. I must tell her to eat it very slowly! 😁

Changing nature of amateur radio

At one time, the only way we could talk across the world by amateur radio was by HF contacts. Things are changing.  

These days, there are many alternatives such as DMR, D-STAR and Echolink. Many use the internet as the backbone, whereas in the past we had to rely on HF propagation and the ionosphere. 

Even with a VHF or UHF transceivers worldwide contacts are possible. I remember being amazed that with a DMR portable sitting on the bookshelf DX from across the planet could be heard.