21 Sept 2024

Near death experience - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday, I probably came nearer to death than at any time I can remember.  

For what seemed like ages I was unable to breathe because of a chest infection. In the end I got my breath, but had I not been able to, I would have passed out and probably died. We hang on by a thread.

Pompeii 2017 - NOT amateur radio


We visited here in 2017. As the ground was going to be uneven I was not sure if I would be able to manage it. In the end it was fine. 

One thing struck me: really nothing changes and really they were just like us.

10m QRP FT8 (Saturday)

My 2.5W FT8 was turned on at about 0550z. Yesterday was very successful. I hope today is similar.

UPDATE 2028z:  So far today, 382 stations have spotted me. See map of stations spotting my 10m FT8 QRP by the early evening.  Since then, even more have spotted me.  Worldwide spots. 1098 stations have been spotted here today.

Sunspots - Saturday September 21st

 Solar flux is 154 and the SSN 113. A=7 and K=2.

20 Sept 2024

“Our” windmill - NOT amateur radio


This has been on many times, but this was the view from the lounge on a nice, sunny afternoon just now.

At one time some of our grandchildren thought the area in front of the windmill was part of our garden! We own the hedge you can see in front, but not the windmill!

The windmill is fully restored and the sails go round sometimes.

Lightning risk?

 This weekend there are some advanced warnings of thunder and lightning in the UK. At the moment these storms are a long way off, but if they get close I shall go QRT and disconnect things.

See https://www.lightningmaps.org/#m=oss;t=3;s=0;o=0;b=;ts=0;

Church roofs - NOT amateur radio

A few days ago we were in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk. These were some of the magnificent church roofs we saw.

10m QRP FT8 (Friday)


This afternoon I decided to concentrate on 10m QRP FT8. At 1442z, 85 spots of my 2.5W. See map.

UPDATE 1724z:  So far today my 2.5W 10m FT8 has been spotted by 171 stations across the planet. I have spotted 400 stations here.

Moon - NOT amateur radio

This was the moon in our close on Wednesday evening. 

Sunspots - Friday September 20th

 Solar flux is 161 and the SSN 109. A=20 and K=1.