21 Aug 2024

6m QRP FT8 (Wednesday)

My 2.5W 6m FT8 was turned on about 0800z. 

UPDATE 0843z:  Spotted by 9 English stations. It makes you think how useful 6m FT8 could be inter-G when the band is not "open". Also many of those spotting me so far are probably cross polarised and using horizontal antennas. Just one G spotted on RX.

UPDATE 1721z:  20 stations spotted.  One might be Es.

CQWW contests?

As I recall, CQ magazine has stopped. At one time the CQWW contests were perhaps the most popular in the world. Even without submitting an entry, it was a way to contact new countries. When my voice was good I used to fill pages in the logbook. In later years, it has become too hard for me.

With the demise of CQ, I wonder what is happening with these contests?

Sunspots - Wednesday August 21st

 Solar flux is 244 and the SSN 200. A=7 and K=3.

20 Aug 2024

8m or 6m?

In recent times, I have not been on 8m much, even though I have a UK T&I permit to TX on the 8m band. 

The main reason is I know what the band can do with Es. It is possible to span the European continent with just a few milliwatts of FT8 on 8m. 

The 8m band, being between 10m and 6m, comes into its own when the F2 MUF just exceeds 47MHz. 

With the sunspot count being good recently, it has exceeded 50MHz, especially on N-S paths.  Activity on 6m is much higher, so getting spots is easier than on 8m currently. 

As the F2 MUF goes down, I expect 8m will be more useful showing how the F2 MUF can reach 8m, but not 6m. I shall probably try again on 8m this autumn It would be great if more PTTs allowed amateur access. 

I hope the FCC, OFCOM and the RSGB are listening!

Moulton flowers - NOT amateur radio

As mentioned before, Moulton (near us) is a delightful village to walk around, with an old packhorse bridge, the church, river, thatched cottages and flowers.

6m QRP FT8 (Tuesday)

My QRP 6m FT8 was turned on after breakfast.

UPDATE 0824z:  12 stations have spotted me. I think there is some Es.

UPDATE 0901z:  IS0AWZ (1598km) has spotted me. See map.

UPDATE 1521z: 24 Europeans plus one CN8 have spotted me so far today. See map.

Changing images on my blog - NOT amateur radio

Quite often I need to change an image on my blogspot blog. I find this very "hit and miss". Sometimes I can do it easily and other times I struggle.  I can't help thinking I am missing a trick and there must be a better way. 

Does anybody know a method that just works please?

6m super DX

As well as being spotted in Namibia 🇳🇦 yesterday with 2.5W FT8 to the V2000 vertical omni antenna a PY way down in Brazil 🇧🇷 (Sao Paulo) was spotted on 6m FT8 yesterday. See map.

Sunspots - Tuesday August 20th

 Solar flux is 239 and the SSN 213. A=10 and K=1.

FETer transceiver (2008)

This was another of my attempts to get something for nothing! 

It worked remarkably well, but I struggled with netting the RX onto the TX frequency so I was afraid of clobbering someone else. It was an adaption of a circuit for 40m by W2UW but made even simpler. It appeared in SPRAT some years ago. 

Some have duplicated it and achieved some remarkable DX.

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/hf-mf-and-lf/homebrew/80m-feter-transceiver .

Crickey - 2008! I must be old  HI 😀