12 Aug 2024

Simple regen RX

This site is really, really good. He is so modest and talks through his journey into amateur radio. In this video he is trying to make a simple regen RX better.

Mid-summer in the garden - NOT amateur radio

For several years our grass went brown, before recovering in autumn As we had a wet spring last year and this, the grass is still green ..... for now. 

Today is expected to be very hot, so I don't want to speak too soon! The photo shows part of our garden this morning.

2m activity contest last Tuesday

My mother-in-law would have called me a gunner. Why? Because I am "gunner do this and gunner do that". 

Several days ago I was going to submit my (pathetic) entry into the RSGB organised 2m activity contest (UKAC). I nearly forgot and submitted my entry just now. 

I get the feeling this contest is waning in popularity. Yes, there are still plenty of entries, but I seem to have fewer QSOs than I once did. This could be because urban stations find my 10W PEP harder now with increased local noise?

The map shows the QSOs with 10W PEP and the big-wheel omni antenna. I only stopped on very briefly.

Swifts gone - NOT amateur radio

It looks as if the swifts have largely left the UK on their long journey to central Africa with a return next spring.  You rarely see them go, but look up and notice they are no longer around. The odd straggler might be seen, but most have gone.

On a more positive note, we get migrant birds from the far north, who think we are warmer in winter.  It takes all sorts! 😊

Decorated postboxes - NOT amateur radio

There seems to be a fashion at the moment to decorate postboxes. This one was near our co-op shop at the weekend.

Perseid meteor shower - reminder

 A reminder that this meteor shower is at its peak and may result in enhanced VHF conditions.

10m QRP FT8 (Monday)

 My 2.5W 10m FT8 has been on since just before breakfast. 17 stations have spotted me.

UPDATE 1256z:  88 stations have spotted my QRP with the furthermost OD5KU (3468km). 

UPDATE 1258z: 99 stations spotted here with the furthermost South Africa.

UPDATE 1420z:  104 stations have spotted my 10m QRP FT8 today (see map) and 122 stations have been spotted here.

UPDATE 1811z:  130 spots of me today. 205 spots by me in the last day on 10m FT8.

Sunspots - Monday August 12th

Solar flux is 282 and the SSN 194. A=28 and K=6.

11 Aug 2024

Ukraine war - NOT amateur radio

From the BBC website:

"Ukrainian troops have advanced up to 30km inside Russia, in what has become the deepest and most significant incursion since Moscow began its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022." 

Although I don't like commenting on political matters, it would seem correct that Russia has to accept this sort of action. Wars, in the end, do not resolve conflicts. Both sides need to agree to a compromise in which both sides feel winners.

I just wish a ceasefire could be agreed here and in Gaza leading to a peaceful resolution of both conflicts. 

How do they stand the heat? - NOT amateur radio

The museum next door has a blacksmith that comes from time to time. It was one of the hottest days of the year, so in the forge it must have been incredibly hot.