8 Aug 2024

Sunspots - Thursday August 8th

 Solar flux is 303 and the SSN 242. A=7 and K=1.

7 Aug 2024

DX Explorer video

This site is great. He always tries new things. I like that he is a true experimenter.

Hawkedon, Suffolk, UK - NOT amateur radio

Within a short distance of us are some delightful Suffolk villages such as Hawkedon shown in the photo. The Suffolk border is about 300m from us!

Ancient wall painting - NOT amateur radio

This wall painting, in Hassett church in Suffolk shown in the photo, was painted in the 1300s at a time when most people could not read or write. It shows the seven deadly sins. 

We visited 3 churches in West Suffolk yesterday. All had some amazing things.

Most English churches are extremely old.

For centuries it was covered behind whitewash.

10m 500mW WSPR (Wednesday)

So far today, at 0905z, my little 10m WSPR beacon has been spotted by 2 stations with the furthermost EA8BFK (2880km).

I am wondering how many are now using other modes instead of WSPR like FSW4? Sadly I can only do WSPR with my beacon TX.

UPDATE 1734z:  Spotted by 14 stations. See table.

6m QRP FT8 (Wednesday)

My 2.5W FT8 was turned on about 0840z. I immediately was called by EI3GG/P on the west coast of Ireland. (IO43).  We had a QSO.

UPDATE 1730z:  So far, spotted by 45 stations. See map. I am intrigued that Scandinavian stations seem more common later in the season. I have speculated about this before.

What is good about the UK - NOT amateur radio

 In the press in the last few days we have seen a lot about a few thugs but little about what makes the UK such a desirable place to live. We are, on the whole, a very tolerant and welcoming country and wish everyone well .

This photo is doing the rounds and better reflects how the VAST majority of UK people are.

Plans for Wednesday

I expect to be on 10m QRP WSPR and QRP 6m FT8 later.

8m QRP yesterday

 Yesterday I was on 8m FT8 for several hours . Although I spotted an EA, nobody spotted me.

Sunspots - Wednesday August 7th

 Solar flux is 270 and the SSN is 222. A=6 and K=1.