6 Aug 2024


 This was seen earlier. 

Modern technology - NOT amateur radio

 Modern technology is a two edged sword. 

As we have seen recently in the UK it can incite people to do nasty and violent things. 

At the same time it can bring people closer together across oceans and thereby shrink distances . My son and his family flew to Australia to see relatives and we could track his plane all the way. It allows me to write this blog. We can chat to friends on WhatsApp as if they were next door .

I am not sure if it is a good thing or bad. Probably both. On balance I think it’s basically a good thing. Like AI, I am sure there are some good things and bad.

2m activity contest tonight

With my 10W PEP SSB and big wheel omni antenna I usually try for up to an hour before my voice screams “stop “. My usual best DX is 100-200km.

Not sure if it’s just me but I am finding it harder to work stations . 

This is probably a combination of fewer stations and higher local noise levels for many stations.

UPDATE 2120z:   After 3 QSOs my voice shouted "stop!!", so I stopped.

Sunspots - August 6th

 Solar flux is 247 and the SSN 189. A=10 and K=2.

5 Aug 2024

8m propagation

In my view, the real benefit in an 8m amateur band would come when the F2 MUF goes above 10m. 

With Es, working EU stations occurs commonly at 6m, whereas for the F2 MUF to get to as high as 6m is exceptional. Yes, on N-S paths with TEP the MUF can go much higher, but E-W paths with high MUFs are rare.

So, in my own view, now and the next couple of years are the best for 8m propagation research. 

Whilst Es is fun, it is not what propagation research at 8m is mainly about. In a few years we will be unable to learn so much.

European Es (Monday)


At the moment, most of the Es in Europe is in the direction of Scandinavia. Maybe later it will swing further towards central Europe and Spain?

See https://www.tvcomm.co.uk/g7izu/radio-propagation-maps/europe-sporadic-e/ .

10m QRP WSPR (Monday)

My 500mW 10m WSPR beacon was turned on earlier. It looks like there is Es about.

UPDATE 1028z:  Now spotted by 4 stations. I suspect the EA8 and 5B4 are F2 rather than Es.

UPDATE 1830z:  20 stations have spotted me today. See table.

6m QRP FT8 (Monday)

My 6m 2.5W FT8 was turned on earlier. There seems to be encouraging Es about. 

It will probably be worth trying 8m later.

UPDATE 1056z:  37 stations have spotted me this morning. It is possible the EA8 and CT stations are F2 I suppose. It is even possible to see some TEP?

UPDATE 1827z:   69 stations have spotted me on 6m FT8. See map.

UPDATE 2009z:   75 stations have spotted me today on QRP 6m FT8.

Swifts going? - NOT amateur radio

It is odd how one bird fascinates me.  

Swifts are only seen in the UK for a few months to breed before migrating back to central Africa (mainly). They eat and sleep on the wing. We usually see them from May until about now. Often the young start to move south quite soon. 

Their return in the spring is always an important milestone in the year. Often they can be heard screaming. I look up and there they are again. Although numbers are meant to be down as nest sites disappear, at least locally there appears to be more than last year. I hope they have found ways of adapting.

After months seeing few house martins they seem plentiful around "our" windmill for the last few days. I have seen no swifts today. Have they flown south?

See https://rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/swift .

Red Kite - NOT amateur radio

This is a success story.  At breakfast, yet again, we saw a red kite flying overhead. 

30 years ago this would have been unheard of. They are now common again, but they nearly went extinct in the UK. They were re-introduced and are now thriving. 

They are unmistakable with their forked tail and slow soaring.  They are often seen near main roads scavenging on road kill. Going to Devon by train about a month ago I counted 4 and I was not really looking.

See https://www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/red-kite .