3 Aug 2024

6m QRP FT8 (Saturday)


24 stations have spotted me with the furthermost ES4RD (1893km).

UPDATE  1904z:  So far today, I have been spotted by 42 stations with the furthermost  OH6CT (2012km).  See map.

10m QRP WSPR (Saturday)

Just spots of my 500mW 10m WSPR beacon from G4KPX (14km) so far.

8m FT8 yesterday

 Although nobody spotted my QRP FT8, I spotted 3 stations in Spain and one in Croatia. Not bad with my10m antenna.

Sunspots - Saturday August 3rd

 Solar flux is 247 and the SSN 232. A=9 and K=1.

Practical Wireless in 2013

This was before my stroke in 2013. 

It shows me in the back garden of the old QTH testing a small loop antenna, that worked remarkably well.

2 Aug 2024

Wisdom? - NOT amateur radio

At the age of 75, probably I have mellowed. 

Looking back on my life it is possible to reflect on it. Many mistakes may have been made and paths not taken. In the end it has been far from perfect, but I have had a good innings. It would be good to know what would have happened if other paths had been followed. 

One theory is that every path is indeed taken, but we are only aware of one.

OFCOM and 32GHz

 OFCOM is consulting on fixed links near 32GHz. See the OFCOM website for details. They also publish information on the number of  licences etc.. Again see the OFCOM website for details

8m QRP FT8 (Friday)

My 2.5W 8m FT8 is on 40.680 MHz.

UPDATE 1953z:  3 stations spotted (2 EAs and 1 9A). No spots of me.

Wednesday's walk - NOT amateur radio


This was on our walk at Reach on Wednesday. We went early to avoid the heat.

Nice way to spend a lazy afternoon - NOT amateur radio


What could be better?  A punt on the R.Cam in Cambridge and a cold Pimms! This was a punt on the River Cam selling Pimms.