2 Aug 2024

Wednesday's walk - NOT amateur radio


This was on our walk at Reach on Wednesday. We went early to avoid the heat.

Nice way to spend a lazy afternoon - NOT amateur radio


What could be better?  A punt on the R.Cam in Cambridge and a cold Pimms! This was a punt on the River Cam selling Pimms.

10mW ERP FT8 on 8m

Under UK 🇬🇧 ISM rules I believe anyone may beacon in the 8m ISM band at 10mW ERP without a license or even a callsign!! G8TTI has been doing it with FT8 very successfully. I just wish others would join the fun.

10m FT8 RX

With 10m so good at the moment, may I remind you of my very simple and low cost 10m FT8 RX? 10FT8R is a DSB receiver than works remarkably well. You will not miss much of the action and it could be built for the cost of a few coffees out!

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/hf-mf-and-lf/homebrew/10ft8r-rx .

Lightning risk

Lightning is an increased risk in the summer months. Although a direct strike is unlikely, close lighting can still do a lot of damage to radio gear. I take no chances disconnecting antennas and mains connectors. Up to now this policy has kept my gear safe from harm.

A useful guide is the realtime lighting map. If lightning is possible locally I disconnect things before the risk is here.

The map is an example showing the lightning last evening at about 2010z.

See https://www.lightningmaps.org/#m=oss;t=3;s=0;o=0;b=;ts=0;y=51.7212;x=0.2069;z=8;d=2;dl=2;dc=0;

Sunspots - Friday Aug 2nd

 Solar flux is 234 and the SSN 260. A=22 and K=2.

1 Aug 2024

8m QRP FT8 (Thursday)

After failing to receive G0KTN on 8m Q65, I am on 40.680 MHz QRP FT8 hoping that someone will spot me.  As there is a possibility of thunder,  I shall disconnect everything later "just in case".

UPDATE 2047z: No spots of me. 

Lundy - NOT amateur radio

Lundy is a small island in the Bristol Channel. As a young teenager I was totally fascinated by it. It is a granite plateau famous for its puffins. 

Rallies at the weekend

 The following have been notified to me. It is always advisable to check details before travelling.

  • Sunday August 4th - BATC Convention, Coventry,CV3 4FR. No contact given.
  • Sunday August 4th - British Vintage Wireless Society (BVWS) swapmeet. Members only. Punnetts Town (where is this?). No postcode given and nobody to contact.
  • Sunday August 4th - Kings Lynn ARC, King Lynn, PE30 4EL. See www.klarc.co.uk .

Solar cycle progression

In July, we have had some very high numbers. I suspect the smoothed solar peak of cycle 25 will now be far later in this year than once thought. 

What is interesting is the formation of new spots that declined in July 2024.

See https://www.solen.info/solar/ .