22 Jul 2024

6m QRP FT8 (Monday)

My 6m QRP FT8 has been on for about 10 minutes at 0933z. Just 4 English stations have spotted me so far.

UPDATE 1142z:  21 stations have spotted me so far with the furthermost IT9TYR (1948km) probably Es. The impression is Es is less frequent. It still occurs but not as commonly as a month ago.Although less sensitive than WSPR I think FT8 can be more successful as the TX period is just 15 seconds as opposed to 120 seconds for WSPR2 so very brief openings are caught. There may now be more people monitoring FT8 than WSPR. 

UPDATE 1322z: 30 stations spotted today. See map.

UPDATE 2115z: 
146 stations spotted me on 6m QRP FT8 today when I was using the QMX+.

European Es

At about 0900z, there is some Es in Europe confined to the central area in the main.

See https://www.tvcomm.co.uk/g7izu/radio-propagation-maps/europe-sporadic-e/

Plans for Monday

 In a few moments I shall probably try QRP 6m FT8  with the QMX+ and 10m QRP WSPR with my 500mW W5OLF beacon.

Not my idea of amateur radio

It is a good thing we are all different and find something different to enjoy in our hobby. Some enjoy chasing new countries where lots of power, a tower and a beam helps. Some like satellites, some EME, some amateur television, some just like a chat, etc..

In my case it is seeing where my QRP signal reaches with simple antennas. Each to their own. It would be a sadder place if we were all the same. I hope we can all continue to enjoy our hobby in our own way.

Sunspots- Monday July 22nd

 Solar flux is 185 and the SSN 200. A=9 and K=2.

21 Jul 2024

Joe Biden drops out of US presidential election - NOT amateur radio

As I mentioned some days ago,  I do not understand the USA. Apparently Joe Biden has dropped out of the race against Donald Trump. He had been asked to stand down by several in his party. On balance, I think he has done the right thing.

He has put his support behind his vice-president Kamala Harris.

Dalham walk - NOT amateur radio

Today, we had a rare sight this summer - sun!  We went for a walk at nearby Dalham with our son and grandson.

10m QRP WSPR (Sunday)

 Although my 500mW beacon has been on for hours, not a single spot received.

Bracket fungus - NOT amateur radio

 This huge bracket fungus was on a tree stump on our walk earlier.

Anglesey Abbey - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows my wife at nearby Anglesey Abbey on Friday on a (rare) sunny day. At the moment this is probably the dullest summer I can remember. We have had far more rain than usual. Often the grass turns brown by now, but it still looks green at the moment.