20 Jul 2024

Sunspots - Saturday July 20th

 Solar flux is 202 and the SSN 269. A=5 and K=2.

19 Jul 2024

OFCOM publications

On the OFCOM website are publications that they do. In my view, this is an excuse to justify their existence! 

Overall I am seriously underwhelmed by OFCOM. The sooner it is closed the better.

Swifts will soon be gone - NOT amateur radio

At the moment, swifts are still screaming in the skies above us in the UK.  Soon they will be gone. They stay very few months, just enough to breed.  One morning, we will look up and realise they have gone. I look forward to them returning, but I shall probably have to wait until next May.

Being tired , giddy and with a poor voice and amateur radio

Back in 2013 I suffered a stroke. Luckily, unlike many, I had few long-term issues such as paralysis. The long-term issues I have are poor speech, giddiness and tiredness. I suspect this has altered the way I enjoy amateur radio. 

Over 30 years ago I worked 10m QRP SSB DXCC, so I am no longer fussed about working DX.  Although I still use voice modes like SSB and FM, I use these less. The main modes I use these days are WSPR and FT8.  

Nowadays I get as much fun from 1-way reports of my QRP signals as I do from 2-way QSOs.  Had I not had my stroke, I am unsure how important voice modes would still be. I agree that voice modes are essential for the continuance of amateur radio in the form we are used to. 

As I have mentioned before, as we age (many radio amateurs will be over 90 in 20 years), and as PTTs grow tired of amateur radio, that generates no revenue, I can see the future of our hobby is under threat. Hopefully I am wrong.

10m QRP FT8 with the QMX+ ( Friday)

So far, 37 stations have spotted me on 10m QRP FT8 today and I have spotted 70 stations. See map for stations spotting me today.

UPDATE 1338z:   100 stations spotted here today on 10m FT8 and 66 stations have spotted my QRP 10m FT8.

Amateur radio dealers

Dealers worry me . 

At the moment, many are doing a decent business and look like they will be around forever. 

However, some have closed and others must be thinking about it as owners retire or think about it.

When you buy that nice shiny new rig think will this dealer still be around if I have to use the warranty or get it repaired?

QMX+ and Windows 10

The QMX+ is a great rig, but several people had issues with it being recognised with Windows 10. This sequence worked for me:

Do NOT connect the USB lead and do NOT have WSJT-X running!

  • Start QMX+
  • Start PC
  • Connect USB lead
  • Start WSJT-X.

Although I cannot guarantee this, it worked for me. Also, I adjusted the audio levels from the default 54 to 99 on the higher bands.

Doing this, it has been faultless and great.

Sunspots- Friday July 19th

 Solar flux is 209 and the SSN 276 . A=5 and K=1

18 Jul 2024

OFCOM crappery?

 Today I got this from OFCOM. I preferred the GPO. As you can tell, I am not a great fan.

“Ofcom has today published a consultation on its General Policy on Information Gathering.

As an evidence-based regulator, the ability to obtain information to inform our work is fundamental to our role.

The primary purpose of the policy is to make clear to stakeholders how we intend to exercise our powers under legislation where we are required to publish this policy.

We are proposing to update our existing policy - first published in 2005 - to reflect our current practices and powers in this area.

In summary, we plan to:

  • expand the general policy to cover new information gathering powers and clarify its scope;
  • update and clarify the text to reflect our experience of issuing statutory information notices;
  • provide further detail on how we will handle statutory information notices (including in relation to the role of the Information Registry, the use of information provided voluntarily, the use of draft notices, and the disclosure of information and confidentiality); and
  • clarify our approach to enforcement and what we expect from stakeholders when responding to a statutory information notice.

We are inviting feedback on our proposals which must be submitted by 30 September. Taking account of responses, we will aim to publish our final policy later this year.”

What makes me think this is now a QUANGO that has lost its way?

In the days of the GPO I was inspected several times. Since it became OFCOM, I have not been inspected ever.

Upcoming rallies

 The following rallies have been notified to me. It is always advisable to check details with organisers before going a long way. All are on Sunday.

Bury St Edmunds Radio Rally - Rougham Tower Museum, IP32 7QB.  Contact rally2024@bsears.co.uk .

Finningley ARS Rally 2024 Sandcraft, Doncaster, DN8 5SX. Contact kevin.avery@tunstall.com or martin.m0hom@gmail.com .