18 Jul 2024

Need to update scrapbook

My scrapbook needs updating. I shall do this in the coming weeks and make sure the link on my website points to the latest version. I think the main changes are I now have a QMX+ and having a bundle of fun. There may be some other things that need updating.

Donovan's, Kingsbridge, Devon - NOT amateur radio

Kingsbridge is where I lived as a teenager.  Most of the shops are on a steep hill. One of these is Donovan's that sells mainly furniture. I think it dates back to the mid 1800s. Since I was young (a long time ago!), it has not changed much and I hope it doesn't. This photo was taken a few weeks ago when I was down there staying with my brother.

Peak of solar cycle 25?

The last published figure for the peak of solar cycle 25 was June 2024 (smoothed). Since then we have had high sunspot numbers and flux and it would not surprise me if this moved later. 

What is certain is we are seeing some great conditions, so enjoy them!

See https://www.solen.info/solar/ .

Early 10m Es

My QMX+ was on 10m QRP FT8 early (0500z) and already I have had 23 spots all across Europe presumably via Es. It is very easy to miss these very early morning openings.

UPDATE 0930z:  So far I have been spotted on 10m FT8 QRP by 53 stations. The furthermost on 10m FT8 RX is VK6RK (14469km).

UPDATE 1302z:  73 stations spotted on 10m FT8 RX today with the QMX+.

UPDATE 1638z: 303 spots of my 10m QRP FT8  with my QMX+ in the last day (see map).

UPDATE 2053z:  QRT. 412 stations have spotted me on 10m QRP FT8 in the last day.

Sunspots - Thursday July 18th

 Solar flux is 224 and the SSN 275. A=5 and K=1.

17 Jul 2024

Hollyhocks - NOT amateur radio

We have quite a few of these flowers in our front garden. They look splendid, but then go rusty and look a mess. They also self-seed and are very hard to get rid of! 

Once they have flowered it is better to cut them back before the seeds scatter.

We call them "triffids".  Just imagine if they could walk!! If you are thinking about planting any, think hard.

Sunny at last! - NOT amateur radio

In all my years, I cannot remember a worst summer. Until yesterday it was cold, dull and wet. 

Today we have warm sunshine! It makes you feel so much better. It is only expected to last a few days. Well, I suppose we have to be grateful for having any summer here in the UK. 😀

10m QRP WSPR TX (Wednesday)

As the 10m antenna is free when I am on 6m, I decided to try 500mW 10m WSPR with my 10m WSPR beacon. No spots at all after about an hour.

6m QRP FT8 (Wednesday)

Just before lunch I went on 6m FT8 with the QMX+. So far, 11 stations have spotted me including one in the south of Spain. Nothing spotted on RX, which is surprising.

UPDATE 1222z:  Just a single G spotted today on 6m FT8 RX.

QMX+ start-up

Since adjusting upwards I have had no problems whatsoever with the WSJT-X audio levels on my QMX+ rig on 6m and 10m. 

Using Windows 10 I am still having issues with the PC recognising the QMX+. This may well be a Windows 10 issue and I have still not worked out the order in which things have to be connected and turned on.  Once I fully understand this it should not be an issue going forward. 

All I know is this problem does not occur with my SignalOne USB from Tigertronics, which just works every time.

Overall the QMX+ is very good, but it would be even better not having to struggle every time.