15 Jul 2024

PuTTY trouble

I am sure it’s finger trouble on my part, but I have never used a terminal emulator on Windows 10 before or any machine, so what should be easy with my QMX+ seems very hard for a PC idiot like me! 

One of my challenges today is to find out what I need to do to get it working. It can not be hard. It does not help that my brain gets so fuddled.

Sunspots - Monday July 15th

 Solar flux is 234 and the SSN 217. A=5 and K=1.

The recent uptick in solar activity must have pushed the peak of solar cycle 25 into later this year.

14 Jul 2024

Experiments with the QMX+

 At the moment, I am testing my QMX+ transceiver on 15m and 10m QRP FT8. I am still experimenting to see what sequence I have to use to get the QMX+ soundcards to be recognised by the Windows 10 PC.  Currently it works fine although I cannot remember the sequence in which I plugged things in!!  

Also, the audio levels need increasing on the higher bands. This can be done by putting the PC in terminal mode and adjusting some numbers. I have yet to do this.

Overall, I think the QMX+ is a good rig. It will be even better when I adjust the audio levels on the higher bands.

European Es season

Usually, the Es season in Europe goes "off the boil" about now. Es can occur at any time of the year, although the peak times are in spring and early summer.

It is interesting that most of my spots on 10m QRP FT8 this morning were probably F2.

See https://www.tvcomm.co.uk/g7izu/radio-propagation-maps/europe-sporadic-e/ .

Gun culture - NOT amateur radio

This morning, we see on the news that Donald Trump narrowly missed an attempt on his life.

The USA has a gun culture and a very high death rate due to guns. It is sad that political candidates cannot give their "pitch" without the fear of being shot.

Patio - NOT amateur radio

We have managed to have coffee or meals outside very few times this year as it has been dull and wet. 

The photo shows our patio today. 

10m QRP FT8 (Sunday)

At 0808z my 2.5W 10m FT8 had been spotted by 33 stations in the last 12 hours with the furthermost 9K2OD (4637km) in Kuwait. 63 stations have been spotted on RX.

UPDATE 1310z:  93 stations have spotted my 10m 2.5W FT8 today. 

UPDATE 1847z: 218 stations have spotted my 10m QRP FT8 today.  See map.

Sunspots - Sunday July 14th

 Solar flux is 238 and the SSN 214. A=4 and K=1.

13 Jul 2024

Nearly forgot!

Just now I sent off my entry for the 70cm activity contest last Tuesday. It would appear that interest in this contest is waning. I managed 1 QSO, then I gave up. 

Looking at the waterfall on my RX, it would appear there were fewer people active. This is a pity, although it is far easier on 70cm FT8.

Much as I enjoy FT8 and WSPR, I am sure these will be partly to blame for the slow death of amateur radio as we knew it.  

As a youngster, I discovered amateur radio by listening to locals on 160m AM and DX on 15m AM. These opportunities no longer exist as people can chat in a multitude of ways for free without a licence using the internet. Talking to friends across the world even by video is commonplace.

It is my view that amateur radio as we knew it will cease in the next 20 years.


A few moments ago I watched the RSGB's Webinar with Hans Summers about the QMX+ transceiver. It was a very good session and underlines just how bright Hans is. I was impressed.

In the webinar Hans mentioned that high on his priority list was implementing SSB on the QMX and QMX+ transceivers and that he hoped to do this within weeks or months. He is a busy man! This will be done via a firmware update. There is already an internal mic fitted although an external mic/PTT may be used.

As mentioned earlier, the RSGB is doing a series of Webinars on various subjects. See tonight@8 on the RSGB channel on YouTube or watch live.