Looking back on 2023, the stand-out things are my 8m QSOs with 2.5W and a dipole with stations in the Caribbean and my 0.5mW WSPR tests on 10m. At the moment, I have no firm plans for next year. What is clear is that I prefer WSPR and FT8. There are several reasons.
1. My voice is poor and it is a strain to talk.
2. DXCC was worked back in the 1980s with QRP SSB on 10m. DXCC is no longer a priority.
3. I prefer experimenting to just talking with stations.
4. One-way signals (looking on the internet to see when I am being received) are as important for me than two-way QSOs.
Everyone is different and I can totally understand that working DXCC and new countries is important to some. It is just that, for me, it is no longer important. When I was fitter going out in the wilds on 481THz or VLF was good fun. These days I try to do experiments from home.