19 Sept 2023

Back home - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday, we flew home from Montenegro. It more or less on time. It was a good holiday, but too many steps! 


As I am back home I am on 10m WSPR TX with my 500mW beacon. Just G4KPX (14 km) spotting me. 

UPDATE 1144z: 8 stations have spotted me today (see table).

UPDATE 2025z:
14 stations have spotted my 500mW 10m WSPR.

Back on 8m

As I am now back home, I am back on QRP FT8 on 8m.

UPDATE 1136z: Spotted by WESSEXSDR (266km). It looks like this is aircraft reflection.

UPDATE 1558z: Also spotted by EI4GNB (445km). This is an odd distance, so most probably aircraft, although I cannot rule out random MS, or even tropo.

Sunspots - Tuesday September 19th 2023

Solar flux is 155 and the SSN 139. A=30 and K=6.

18 Sept 2023

More countries on 8m?

It is rumoured that E51 (Cook Is) is trying to gain access to the 8m band. 

I very much hope that many more countries will try (and be granted) limited access to the band. We are approaching sunspot maximum and if more countries asked for, and were given, access even for a limited time, we could really contribute to radio science.

There will be times in the next few years when the MUF will just exceed 41 MHz. If you are asking your PTT for limited access, these are my suggestions:

  • 40.680 - 40.685 MHz (just 5 kHz in the ISM band)
  • 10W ERP
  • Narrow digital modes (e.g. FT8, WSPR, CW) only 
  • Secondary only
  • By NoV or equivalent (i.e. you have to ask for access)
  • Aim is mainly for propagation research.
  • Access for 12 months (around sunspot maximum)
  • Strictly no interference.
It is my view that by asking for modest things we are more likely to be successful. In the end I am sure that most users are almost exclusively interested in propagation research.

Sunspots - Monday September 18th 2023

Solar flux is 145 and the SSN 94. A=16 and K=4. 

17 Sept 2023

National Park in Montenegro - NOT amateur radio

This morning we visited this pristine lake surrounded by a wealth of different trees. 

My 100mW 10m WSPR beacon in 2012

A very long time ago, I built a tiny QRP WSPR beacon for 10m. These were the results. I think it is still in a drawer somewhere. As I recall this was at this time of year on the climb to the peak of solar cycle 24.

Truth? - NOT amateur radio

 I am concerned that we are fed a line by the media that may not be the truth. This we know happens in Russia, but it also happens in the west too. Often we don't realise. 

The changing nature of amateur radio

 Have you noticed the change? Repeaters are often quiet for hours and there is less SSB and CW activity. FM simplex QSOs apart from nets and skeds are almost never heard. More people use FT8 to work DX. In the past people used amateur radio for chatting, but this can be done worldwide with video more easily with the Internet and smartphone or PC. Most now use amateur radio in a different way. I am not saying it wrong as I am as guilty as anyone! But the logical consequences are clear.