25 Feb 2023

Primroses - NOT amateur radio

Over winter, we plant primroses, which usually are out all winter adding a splash of colour. This winter, they were slow to appear, but have now all flowered.  

Luckily, Muntjac don't like these!

10FT8R 10m FT8 RX

We are a few weeks away from the main Es season in the northern hemisphere. F2 propagation on 10m is very good again.

Often there is a need to monitor 10m FT8 without using the "big rig". You might like to consider my 10FT8R 10m FT8 RX. This is simple, works very well and is low cost. Mine never got beyond the breadboard stage (as you can see)!

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/hf-mf-and-lf/homebrew/10ft8r-rx .

Plans for Saturday

 Later, I hope to go on 10m FT8.

Muntjac - NOT amateur radio

Several times recently I have been in the back garden and disturbed a Mutjac deer. These are dog sized deer that were imported in the 1800s. They eat lots of flowers! This one was testing some fat for the birds!

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muntjac .

Sunspots - Saturday February 25th 2023

 Solar flux is 164 and the SSN 130. A=6 and K=2.

24 Feb 2023

8m QRP FT8 (Friday)

 It is now 0920z and I have been on for about an hour. So far, no spots.

UPDATE 0955z:  No spots. I shall turn things on 8m off TX shortly, but on later in case there is any transatlantic F2.

UPDATE 1251z: Spotted by MCP44 (47km).

10m WSPR QRP (Friday)

My 500mW WSPR TX beacon was turned on at 0805z. So far today, no spots. 

UPDATE 0921z:  17 spots of my QRP so far from the Canary Is.

UPDATE 1300z:  8 unique stations have spotted me today, mostly from the USA.

Plans for today (Friday)

At the moment my plan is to go on 10m WSPR TX and 8m QRP FT8. Depending on  my QDX coming, I may try this. 

UPDATE 1211z:  My built QDX is supposed to have arrived at Castle Donnington in the night. It is meant to be delivered here by 1800z.

Bellringing - NOT amateur radio

Bellringing is an art that has been around in the UK for many centuries. At the moment they are trying to encourage new ringers so every church tower in England can be rung on the day of the Coronation in May. Our grandson has been ringing for several years and has a YouTube channel. Here he is ringing at Foxton recently.

Sunspots - Friday February 24th 2023

Solar flux is 148 and the SSN 108. A=22 and K=1.