23 Feb 2023

Rather them than me! - NOT amateur radio

 This video of a hiking "path" in Switzerland is sure to raise your blood pressure.

See https://twitter.com/OTerrifying/status/1627562598463082496 .

10m QRP WSPR (Thursday)

 Almost forgot! When on 8m FT8, I can go on 10m QRP WSPR TX with the 500mW beacon as the antenna is available. So for about 10 minutes (it is now 1327z) 6 stations have already spotted me.

UPDATE 1644z:
Quite a few spots of my 500mW WSPR from the USA.

8m QRP FT8 (Thursday)

At about 1318z, I QSYed to 8m QRP FT8.  So far, just one spot by FG8OG (6670km). It seems transatlantic reception even of my QRP is almost daily.

UPDATE 1534z: 2 spots of my QRP (again) from the Caribbean. It feels like this is most days. I may try WSPR another day. At 1W on the FT817ND I wonder how this will be?


This rally has been notified to me. Always worth checking the details are correct before travelling a long way!

Sunday Feb 26th  - West Manchester Radio Club Red, Leigh, WN7 2PJ. 

I have also received news that the Callington (CARS) Rally in Cornwall in March has been cancelled.

10m QRP FT8 (Thursday)

For a change, I am on 10m FT8 with 1W from the FT817ND. After about 20 minutes, 8 spots of my 1W and 42 spots of others.

Stations spotted on 10m FT8 RX today

UPDATE 1025z:
1 QSO, 11 unique stations have spotted me and I have spotted 88 stations.

UPDATE 1106z:  2 QSOs and 108 stations have been spotted on 10m FT8 RX today. At a guess, I would guess the FT8 10m activity is at least 4 times higher than on WSPR.

Unique stations spotting me on 10m FT8 TX at 1300z

UPDATE 1315z: 
3 QSOs and 22 stations have spotted my 1W FT8.  On RX, 214 stations have spotted me.

Sunspots - Thursday February 23rd 2022

 Solar flux is 152 and the SSN 100.  A=6 and K=3.

South Devon - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows the view looking from Slapton towards Start Point. 

QDX transceiver

There was a good review of this in a recent QST. Mine is still showing as "being collected". QDX is a QRP, multi-band HF digital transceiver available as a kit or ready built from QRP Labs. It looks like these come from the west of Turkey.

See https://www.qrp-labs.com/images/qdx/QST_QDX_Review.pdf


Since moving to this QTH nearly 10 years ago (doesn't time fly?) I have a dedicated shack. 

SSB and FM operation require me to be in the shack, whereas FT8 and WSPR may be monitored on a different PC in the lounge. 

I usually sync to internet time early morning (just using Windows 10) and I can pop in the shack (which I do often) in seconds.  Although I sometimes re-sync later in the day, I am not convinced this is really needed.

Although I have a separate bench for building, my poor fine motor skills mean it is rarely used these days, sadly.

The photo shows me looking at birds in the garden as the shack probably has the best view.

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/other-amateur-radio/shack .

Oscar 100 narrowband

My most recent peek at this geosynchronous satellite last night was worse than last time! Activity was pathetic. My most recent look was at 2220z on a Wednesday evening. There were just 2 stations only active. 

My only recommendation is just don't bother. By now, I was expecting it to be busy, whereas it is seriously under-used. As mentioned before, people (well a few) enjoy the challenge of getting active, then lose interest. 

My own view is this is just too hard for the "appliance operators" of today. If one of the big manufacturers offered a rig (they won't as Japan and the USA are outside the footprint of the satellite), things would be different as "black box" operators could chat with much of the world without big beams and linears and with a small, fixed antenna. Don't tell them they can do this for free on the Internet!😀

What will happen? Things will carry on as now and activity might pick up as solar activity wanes. What is needed is a low cost add-on to enable appliance operators to get on the satellite using their main rig.

People happily shell out huge amounts for linears, beams and towers. None of these would be needed.

See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/ .