Solar flux is 172 and the SSN 101. A=4 and K=2.
7 Jan 2023
6 Jan 2023
Winter - NOT amateur radio
QDX arrival date
This QRP FT8 transceiver from QRP Labs is on order. I have asked for a built version covering 20-10m as I can no longer build things, sadly. It will mostly get used on 10m.
When I ordered it just before Christmas, the lead-time was expected to be about a month. At present I am 105th on the list. It is going down. I just have to be patient! Hans makes some good kit.
Warning - NOT amateur radio
Even though it is only January 6th there were some daffodils and aconites in flower in the grounds, and a kite (bird) overhead. Seeing a kite in central Cambridge would have been amazing 30 years ago.
Since 1358z I have been on 10m WSPR TX with my 500mW W5OLF beacon. It is now 1310z and so far no spots.
UPDATE 1326z: Spotted several times in the Canary Islands.
UPDATE 1546z: First spot today from the USA received on 10m WSPR. It is a pity the USA stations no longer have prefixes that point to locations. In years gone past W7 would have meant western USA. No longer!
UPDATE 1707z: Just 3 unique stations spotted today.
5 Jan 2023
Spring coming - NOT amateur radio
Tactile tree bark - NOT amateur radio
8m QRP FT8 (Thursday)
Since doing a system restore on my shack PC, I have been on 8m with 2.5W FT8 on 40.680 MHz, but no spots at 1030z.
UPDATE 2014z: Spotted by WESSEXSDR (265km) earlier. Now QRT.