16 Dec 2022
Winter Es
Don't ask me why, as I do not know, but there is a small uptick in Es propagation in mid-winter. Do not be too surprised to copy Europeans on 10m and 6m, and possibly 4m too. I think Es can remain good until the end of January (ish). Remember that Es can occur at any time of year but is most common in the northern hemisphere in May, June and July.
FT8 can be good for this as even very short openings are caught and FT8 is well monitored. As you know, Es signals can be very strong.
2m QRP FT8
As my 2m antenna was already connected to the rig, I am on 2m QRP FT8 this morning with 2.5W to the big-wheel omni antenna. Already spotted by 5 stations with the furthermost G4RAA (333km) in Devon.
UPDATE 1139z: 6 stations spotted on RX in 4 countries. My own 2.5W has been spotted in 2 countries (6 stations with the furthermost GI6ATZ (479km) in Northern Ireland.
UPDATE 1928z: 15 stations have spotted me with the furthermost GM0HBK (668km). See map.
2m MSK144 overnight
15 Dec 2022
Cambridge Christmas - NOT amateur radio
2m MSK144 RX (Thursday)
As it is the Geminids MS shower, I am on 144.360 MHz MSK144 RX using the 2m big-wheel omni antenna. I am hoping to copy some DX on 2m, probably early morning. I am told this is the best place to look.
UPDATE 2212z: DL2NBU (791km) spotted strongly.
Winter wonderland - NOT amateur radio
10m FT8 RX (Thursday)
At the moment (1611z) I am on 10m FT8 RX. It seems wide open to North America. I was going to go on 8m FT8, but for some reason the SWR is very high.
UPDATE 1956z: 323 stations spotted so far.