12 Dec 2022

Continuing 8m ISM tests (Monday)

This morning I am continuing my 10mW ERP 8m WSPR tests simulating ISM rules. 

UPDATE 2050z:  G4WSZ (11km) has spotted my 8m WSPR 10mW ERP 88 times. I am disappointed that nobody else either managed to copy or did not try. I shall leave the 10mW ERP beacon on (0900-2300z) until Wednesday bedtime.

Snow - NOT amateur radio

Last night we had the most snow this year. This morning a very kind neighbour cleared our drive. I guess we have about 3cm of snow 

Sunspots - Monday December 12th 2022

Solar flux is 148 and the SSN 141. A=10 and K=0.

11 Dec 2022

Plans for tomorrow

Starting tomorrow morning after breakfast my intention is to go on 10m QRP WSPR TX (500mW) with my W5OLF beacon and continue my 10mW ERP 8m WSPR beacon local tests.

Oscar 100 - still very quiet

Every few weeks I take a peek at activity on this geosynchronous satellite. Activity remains low, even on a late afternoon in Europe at a weekend.  The photo shows activity on the narrowband transponder.  In my view, this satellite is, sadly, a failure.

See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/ .

Shetland Islands (again) - NOT amateur radio

The Shetland Islands feature regularly on my blog. The was from a photo that appeared on 365project earlier.

Thurlestone, Devon - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows Thurlestone in Devon near where I come from. 

10m QRP WSPR TX (Sunday)

Once again I am on 10m WSPR TX with my 500mW W5OLF beacon. It is now 1103z and spots have been received from EA8 , 9H1 and OH, presumably by F2.

UPDATE 1251z:   5 unique stations have spotted me today on 10m WSPR QRP TX as shown in the table.

UPDATE 2230z: 12 unique stations spotted me today on 10m QRP WSPR TX.

Repeating local 10mW ERP 8m local tests

As someone missed my recent local ISM 8m tests, I am repeating them again with the WSPR signal appearing at 40.6815 MHz.

The callsign at 10mW ERP will be 8M3ISM

UPDATE 1050z: The 10mW ERP 8m WSPR beacon is ON again. No spots yet.

UPDATE 1620z:  G4WSZ (11km) has spotted my QRP 10mW ERP many times. He is using a low 6m dipole.

Bouvet DXpedition 2023

It is a very long time since DXCC was chased.  10m DXCC was managed with QRP SSB back in the 1980s. Ever since it has not appealed to me.

Next January (January 2023), there is supposed to be a DXpedition to Bouvet. This is in the South Atlantic Ocean and is the most remote uninhabited island in the world. It is owned by Norway.  The callsign is meant to be 3Y0J (I think). DXCC chasers will be going mad to work this station. No doubt I shall stand back and leave them to shout! Can you imagine the pile ups?!! Somehow I can imagine those with big beams and big linears will be shouting very loudly! Let's hope the operators like wind, penguins and seals.

The photo attribution is the International Space Station crew, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bouvet_Island.