29 Nov 2022

Singing reindeer - NOT amateur radio

This is in the Grand Arcade in Cambridge. I am sure the children will love it.

Cosmology Lectures - NOT amateur radio

Most of this autumn I have been going to U3A lectures in Cambridge on cosmology. One of the advantages in Cambridge is we are surrounded by very learned people. On this course, there are many people who worked in the university.

One member of the audience had a Cambridge University professor as a friend. When he said he was attending a course on cosmology he retorted, "ah metaphysics".  Perhaps he is right!

10m QRP WSPR TX (Tuesday)

At the moment I am again on 10m WSPR TX with 500mW since about 1210z. No spots. I suspect something is wrong with my beacon. I shall have to try 10m WSPR with a different rig to confirm this. I think there is power and time sync is good.

UPDATE 1220z: Spotted by EA8BFK (2880km), so perhaps all is well after all!

UPDATE 1227z:   2 stations have spotted me in the Canary Isles already. I wonder if I was being clobbered by CQWW CW stations over the weekend?

UPDATE 1406z: Spotted by 3 unique stations. Furthermost is TA4/G8SCU (3010km).

UPDATE 1812z: 4 unique stations have spotted me with the furthermost WD4ELG (6287km). Now QRT.

8m FT8 QRP (Tuesday)

Since about 1200z I have been on 8m FT8 QRP (TX first and RX) on 40.680 MHz. No spots.

UPDATE 1811z:   No spots all day. Now QRT.

Sunspots - Tuesday November 29th 2022

Solar flux is 107 and the SSN 52. A=24 and K=3.

28 Nov 2022

Daffodils in November 2015!


This was on this date in 2015 at nearby Anglesey Abbey. 

10m FT8 RX

 On all morning until 1130z. 

8m FT8 QRP TX and RX

Been on 8m FT8 QRP since 1130z on 40.680 MHz. 

UPDATE 1706z:  Now QRT. No spots at all!!

Plans for the day (Monday)

The current plan is to go on 10m FT8 initially and swap to 8m FT8 if conditions look promising. 

With the grandson NOT amateur radio

This was me with one of our grandchildren yesterday. I am the handsome one!! 😁😉